We came across a MURDER-SITE and went to TEXAS According to Bea the outside noise came down at 2am. I, however, do not know anything about it, because I was TIRED and SLEPT. Anyhow, at 6am this morning we were wide awake and felt the urge to get up. And at 7:30am we were on the road. I mentioned that we wouldn’t be doing other then Interstate driving. Of course I was wrong there as we left the Interstate at Las Cruces and instead went up HWY70 across St.Andres Mts. and into the Ruidoso Valley. We were surprised to see large parts of the desert floor covered by yellow poppies.
If there ever was a nice stretch of road to drive in the U.S. it sure is the piece of Hwy70 leading along the Hondo river. It is also the home of the Mescalero Apaches. We saw numerous casinos! During a pit stop we came across a murder-site! You gotta read the pic here:
 It is obvious that this valley is blessed with a nice climate as cottonwood trees and meadows are standing in beautiful green. That changes the moment Hwy 70 leaves the valley floor and enters the Roswell plateau.
 From there on and until we reached Texas the landscape looks barren and grey-brown. I have mentioned it before: The few towns which we have to cross along Hwy 60 and up to Amarillo are the most stinkin’ towns in the U.S. They are real cattle towns and nothing else. The town of Hereford got it’s name of the cow breed, and another place is called BOVINE (Bovine=latin for COW) Interesting right?
Entering Texas means also another time zone. Central Daylight Time made our clocks jump another hour ahead, but we compensated by keeping on the road until 7:30pm. Yes, it was a full day of traveling.
Now we are stopped at a Texas rest area and try to post this on the Internet, but the signal is slooooow.
We’ll be around tomorrow too! Thanks for stopping by! |
Of the beaten path is always a nice way to travel, more interesting than the inter states. You put on a lot of miles today for sure.