September 29
Traveling around the World
When I was much younger I always wanted to travel around the world. I would have liked to see China, Russia, Asia, South America and Australia and of course North-America with Canada. I thought of it as an easy thing to do. I dreamed of high-strung expeditions into areas where no whites had ever been. I am sure my parents must have been afraid I would make reality of all my wild phantasies.
Later I did see other countries, but I was never in Southern Europe, never farther east than Finland and I sure have never been in places like Australia or South America.
I have reached an age where common sense is prevailing and I would never go to countries with political unrest (and that is most of the world today) or where my safety would be jeopardized, like f.ex. Mexico.
Yet I have recently seen a lot of Africa and other continents. I have been flying low over the glaciers of Greenland, then continuing right to the depths of the Grand Canyon. On a mere whim I have been visiting my birthplace in Northern Germany an been back in the mountains of Norway seeing that our old farmhouse has still been taken care of.
How is all that possible? Well you have long since guessed it. The answer is GOOGLE EARTH.
Ever since Google Earth appeared on the Internet I have been traveling the globe. And like with all other internet related technology, Google has impoved this application immensely. Today there is f.ex. street-view, where I can leisurely "walk" the streets and look at peoples houses.
I can also make a jet-flight from any point to any point on earth. I can find hotels in any town, I can even book my room. I can see the latest weather. The image above shows that the East of Canada is currently under a lot of rain clouds. It also gives me the temps on any place of the globe. I have a friend in Darwin, Northern Australia. I have been "visiting" his house from above. You want to see it? Wait a sec. and I'll find it.
Here it is: (they don't seem to have street-view yet)
What Google did was putting me and my dreams together. I can travel the world, without leaving Campobello Island.
....but I must admit I would LOVE to see Australia in reality. Haven't seen that chap since he left Germany in 1985.
Had a great shed-building day today. After the materials arrived I got my tools out in the open and started hammering and sawing. After an afternoon coffee-break the weather changed and we got a bit of rain. That ended my work for today.
New and recycled materials for the shed |
We welcome another 4 new followers: J.D. and Becky, Runningliner, Russ Krecklow and Doris Purcell. Hope you guys are having fun here.
Thanks for visiting and Happy Trails!