Monday, November 22, 2021

OH My Oh My What A Day

One reason for us being here is that I knew I had to see a dentist in Mexico. Of course I could have spent 10-15 Grand in Canada, but why do it if you can get things done so much cheaper and even better in Mexico?

Since I have been dealing with toothache for a few weeks, I got an appointment right away after our arrival here and today was the day.

I drove the 40miles from camp to Yuma,AZ, went down Andrade Rd, parked the van ($6) at the Quechan Tribe border parking and walked across the border. Stepping into Los Algodones is like entering a completely different world. On the way to the dentist office I was approached 20 times by sellers who wanted to get you a shoeshine, or new eye glasses or sell you both booze and the latest discounted stuff from the pharmacy. If you have never been in a Mexican border town, you just can't imagine what it is like.

Anyway, I made it to the office and entered a miniscule waiting room, sporting one couch and a rather uncomfortable chair. After filling out the usual BS-form, I was left to the chair for about an hour, waiting my turn.

The examination was done by a very nice young lady in perfect English. Unfortunately, what the X-Ray revealed, was anything but nice or positively promising. But, it promised much trouble for me.

The culprit tooth had a root canal which had cracked, leading to deep inflammation. After consulting with a "specialist" the verdict spelled extraction of the tooth.

OK, I didn't think this to be a major problem, so I agreed. I was complimented out into the hallway waiting area, while "another room" would be readied for me. With the other room I also got another dentist - "The Surgeon". With a brash voice he called me into his "chamber".

Long story short, after administering anesthetic he started digging around the tooth. He twisted and turned and even drilled and the animated chatter in Spanish I heard brutal cracks. But the man never lost his patience. Me, I was in a different state of mind. After a full hour of hard work, the tooth was yet not out. It took another 30 minutes until he announced "Finished". So was I - completely.

A prescription was issued and a guy followed me to a pharmacy to pick up the pills. 

The last he did was showing me the way to the border. 

And what I was met with there exceeds everyone's imagination. The lineup of pedestrians was at least 700ft long and it proved to be moving at an extremely slow pace. Behind me 2 American males, all a bit overly intoxicated with cheap Tequila, started a loud conversation about all their military careers and how tax dollars were wasted in the military. It was simply digusting listening to this BS. And it didn't get any better after their drunk wives joined the chorus.

Morning walk with Dixie
"The Line" back into the US. Below: Part of the Trump wall.

I spent almost 3 hrs in that line. My feet were hurting and I thought of Bea back at the camp. Cellphones are jammed and not working along the border area, so I couldn't send her a message. 

Finally, it was my turn to get to the front of the line facing a CBP-officer. I showed him my triple vaccination CDC card and was released.

I made the drive back to camp just before complete darkness.

In 5-6 weeks I have to return to get 3 crowns, 1 bridge, a root canal and a deep cleaning all for USD 1,100. The extraction was 50 bucks. But next time I'm gonna drive the van into town. Cars go through the border much quicker and while you wait you can sit. 

1 comment:

  1. Having had denture work in Algodones a few years ago I well know that gauntlet one has to go through and the harassment one endures. I found it extremely annoying!! I also know that long covered area where people have to line up to cross back into the U.S. In my 3 or 4 times there I was always fortunate not to have too many people in the line-up ahead of me. I don't envy you with those teeth problems. I have been there and done that. Not good!! And I don't envy you having to go back to Algodones.


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