We were full of hope, but got heavily disappointed today. The weather was of the most beautiful when we left Campobello at 7:30am.
|  | We picked up the certified cheque at the bank and crossed the border again to follow Maine Hwy1 north towards Houlton when the phone rang. It was the village clerk from Bath and her news wasn’t good. The van we were going to pick up today wasn’t yet ready for take-over. An issue with the traction control button hadn’t been fixed yet. I had terrible thoughts on my mind when I drove back to Campobello. What a disappointment on such a nice day. A wasted 50 mile trip and a wasted paper tag I couldn’t even use anymore. Molly was probably the only one being happy to see us again that soon. We had dropped her off with our neighbours early in the morning. They live in a very secluded location and have “tons” of squirrels around their house. Seven of them live on their deck where they are fed. | | We were invited to a nice little breakfast with bagels and cheese, which really lifted my spirits. When Molly was on the deck we had to keep her on a very short leash otherwise she would eat the squirrels, which again would be too upsetting for our breakfast hosts. At one time a squirrel was sitting right under Molly. I kept her head high talking to her and saying NO MOLLY NO. Her body kinda stiffened and she was looking straight ahead, not daring to make a move. However it became too much of a strain so we put her back in the house, where she could watch those little critters through the screen door.
Over the afternoon we kind of puttered around, Bea re-arranging the newly painted bedroom, while I was working in the carpentry department. That’s where I like to be.
After supper I did a walk down the street and met another neighbour. He told me that a whale had stranded on Raccoon Beach in the Roosevelt Park. I hurried home and got Bea in the car. Arriving at Con. Robinson’s Point we noticed the oily smell coming up from the beach. And now I also understood how Molly got involved in that yucky stuff yesterday. Some fat or other must have been drifting along the beach, when she took a good deep roll in it. As soon as we looked over the edge of the cliff, we saw a huge brownish body mess, parallel with the waters edge. As we walked closer the odours intensified and became stronger with every step. Looking at it from up close we realized that this animal had probably died before it stranded. The body had started to decompose and there was all kind of juices running of it. We took our pictures and made back for the car.
We sure hope that this whale is gonna be removed quickly, before it pollutes the entire beach to Herring Cove. Downstream from the whale we found many small parts of fat and tissue which had already separated from the animal. The whale is obviously a Fin-Whale.
 It was pretty sad to see that huge (approx 40ft.) animal dead on the beach.
So here you got the world news from Campobello Island. If you liked to read this posting don’t hesitate to put it on Facebook, Twitter or who knows what.
Thanks for coming by again!
awwww the poor whale...I sure hope they clean it up soon...so as not to pollute the area...good luck with the van hope you get the call soon..would have been nicer if they had called you last evening before you started the drive...
ReplyDeleteI love going on whale watching tours but certainly hate to see them like this. Hopefully, whoever does it will remove the body soon.
ReplyDeleteToo bad that it washed up on your beach there, but I guess they have to wash up somewhere.
ReplyDeleteI think it would have been much nicer to have your van today.
I cannot believe those squirrels weren't even afraid of Molly. She was amazing in how well she handled them. Our girls would have attacked no matter what we did. I can't believe they didn't call you the day before about the Van. Glad you got the bagels to cheer you up. Who does whale clean up? Coast Guard?
ReplyDeleteThose squirrels are pretty lucky you had Molly on a leash. It's amazing they weren't afraid either. Hope the whale remains get cleaned up soon.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that the van wasn't ready, hopefully soon. Sure like the picture with the lighthouse the setting is beautiful. We will be on the east coast visiting family in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia during the last week of July and all of August. Would like to say hi if your around. Perhaps take you both to a lunch.
ReplyDeleteWe will be here all summer, so just come on over. You can bring your rig!
DeleteI bet the smell must have been terrible from the whale.