Monday, April 2, 2012


We are re-adjusting to a residential life

After the first night and entire day spent in the house, our lives get back to DSC_0001what I call a residential routine. The day started with a good cup of coffee and a crusty roll for breakfast. Looking for a cup in the cupboard I came across my old favorite mug which I once received on a promotional trip to Yellowstone,WY some 15 years ago.

It is strange that one can develop a relationship to a coffee mug, but I swear that the coffee tastes different from a different cup.

After the morning walk with Molly I made a run to the post office both on the Island and in Lubec, ME, where we have a PO Box, to pick up the mail which has accumulated over the last 6 weeks, and believe me, it was a whole bunch. Lots of garbage, of course – the usual. Also I dropped in with a couple of people to say hello and  later helped to further unpacking the rig.

A couple of necessary phone calls and then friends called asking whether we would be available for ice cream  and cup cakes in the afternoon. We graciously accepted and went off to see Willy and Rogette. Willy had his birthday yesterday, hence the little celebration.

Even with the temps staying on the low side we had beautiful weather again.

We were stunned to learn that what we thought was an April Fools Joke actually was reality. Prescott,AZ DID get a lot of snow the other day. I guess the Bayfield Bunch is glad to be out of there.

Bea made a real delicious supper today. But before that she was on the couch  hoping for that inspiration would hit her. Well it did, indeed! And if you want to see what it was you gotta look up her Dinner for two blog. 

That leaves me to wish “Bon Appetite” and hope you enjoyed today’s ramblings.



  1. Always enjoy your ramblings. And a birthday celebration is a great way to spend your first full day at home.

  2. When you live two lives going back and forth between them is like putting on two different hats. Enjoy your summer.

  3. now the squash/banana/curry recipe sounds interesting?..glad it was good!

  4. We are currently enroute from NC to Myrtle Beach in SC for 12 days then heading toward home..we won't be travelling your way :(...but hope to make a weekend trip down your way this summer...we will be going 95 and crossing at Houlton...its shorter..and you know what its like when your getting closer to just want to get there!! Glad to see your there safe and sound and all settled in...


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