Tuesday, March 15, 2022

A Bird Of A Different Kind

Hello it's travelling day! So we got up early with the first daylight, and had everything ready to go, minutes before 8am. Good Bye Tombstone, maybe we'll see you again some day. While having breakfast, I decided to go back to the I-10 rather than dare my luck on the small road along the Mexican border. As usual, we had heavy truck traffic and had to pass along a construction site in New Mexico. They are resurfacing the Interstate, and I'd say it's about time. So good work, hopefully you'd be done before we might be back next year.

At about 4pm MDT we arrived in the upper layers of Las Cruces, NM. Bea had been scouting out where to stay for the night and knowing the heavy traffic between Las Cruces and El Paso we were thankful to find a rest area high above the city. This must be the cleanest brest area in the US. Even security was here with 2 cars when we arrived. But the real surprise unveiled itself, when I walked around the bend and discovered a huge 20ft high Roadrunner sculpture. "Man, this was just what I liked Bea to see". 

I quickly walked back to the rig and pulled the 100 yrds down the parking area. And sure enough, a big smile appeared in Bea's face, and before I knew it she had the camera out. But what we did not know was the incredible history of this Roadrunner.

When it was created it was meant to signal the waste our society creates and throws on to ever growing landfills. The bird is indeed made of all kind of waste from the landfill. The below pictures show what kind of parts it consists of. I have seen shoe soles, computer keyboards, car parts, rubber, cut-up tires, hubcaps and crutches between a lot of other stuff. Of course, it was initially set up at the site of the landfill. Later it was moved to the newly built rest area where it is overlooking the city. It has become a welcome attraction and we were so incredibly lucky that we got our rig parked right up from it. It sure makes for an incredible view. 

Shoe soles 

Car parts

Computer parts

1 comment:

  1. I've seen it many times, but I always stop anyway! The view from that rest area is wonderful.


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