Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Still Working On It

 It seems like the month of May may be a good one for us. Sun is out most days, though some rain could be good for the garden and for having enough water in the well. But dry weather has also been on my wish list for our outdoor insulation project. It is still going on but I've arrived at the last section of it. A couple of more pieces of Plywood to the wall and then it'll be time to nail (thousands?) of shingles to the wall. As usual, it all turned out to be way more work than anticipated. 

And while this has been going on we also got the first renters for our RV showing up. 2 nice ladies from our own province came across by way of ferry. They sure enjoyed their stay here. On May 21st the Herring Cove Provincial Park opened for the season and got their first guests as well.

One of the restaurants has been open for a coupla weeks already, though traffic has been slow so far. 

I took a few days off my project to "heal" my old bones and to enjoy a few wonderful hikes on the island. 

         Above: "Raccoon Beach" as seen from the Sunsweep trail

Spring time is truly the best time of the year for me. Campobello Island is blessed with a scenic nature and thousands of blooming apple trees. Well, there are cherries and a few pear trees as well. Most of the apple trees are in bloom now and make for great pictures.

Old Island Home

But I also found time to visit a friend of mine. He is a great artist with rock art and sea glass. 

Just look at the beautiful thing he has made for the upcoming birthday of his daughter. Every bit of glass has been drilled through to hang it. almost 200 pieces plus the beads have been hung, and secured with a tiny knot. It's a work of several months, and no, you wouldn't be able to pay for it, besides he never sells anything.

In a few days we will have a double reason for a celebration. May 30 marks the day of our 34. wedding anniversary and the 19. year of our landing in Canada. It seems unreal that so many years have passed.

Of course, some times I am feeling old, but yesterday I read an article about the United Nations which stated that the term "old" has changed over the years.

My grandparents were considered "old" when they were 60. But I would think that today the term "old" has changed over to the age bracket of 75 - 80, while 80 - 85 is considered "elderly", and 65 - 75 would be thought of as middel-aged of most people. Well, what ever it is, as long as our mind is young we will still think of us as young.  


  1. I bet it smells so wonderful with everything in bloom. Happy anniversary. Jim and I celebrated our 35th this year also.

  2. Great looking apple trees and Dixie leading the way. Forever Young.


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