Thursday, March 12, 2020

Is The World Upside Down?

There are probably many of you today that have asked the same question. Looking at the surface it sure looks like we are upside down. Most significant are the spreading restrictions of people's free movement.

The Corona Virus scares us all, but our politicians are the ones who have to make decisions. These decisions are not popular. But we have to do something to prevent the virus from spreading. One of the problems countries are facing is disorganisation and lack of experience and preparatory measures. In the case of the US it doesn't make it any better when Trump talks this today and that tomorrow. One day there is nothing to fear and next day he decides a travel ban for Europeans to the US is the best to meet the situation.

Most airliners are staying on the ground and that has led to reduced pollution, but how long can this status be maintained?

Norway has basically shut down the whole country after they got 600 infection cases in a population of only 5Mill. I know winter-weary Norwegians LOVE to travel south this time of the year. Many came back with Corona virus in their luggage.

A school class from Sussex, New Brunswick, went on a school trip to....ITALY!! Now they can't even move around freely in Italy any more. When (If) they come back, they gonna miss school for 14 days of home quarantine. Parents of students in other grades are quite rightly angry about the situation the school has to face now.

Our world comes apart also due to senseless decisions being made.

Campobello Island does not have any corona cases, yet the nursing home is closed to visitors. But staff have school kids at home. What if....?

Amidst all this chaos, I decided to haul our new travel trailer through customs. It had been parked for 3 weeks on the American side, waiting for our driveway to be free of ice.  Well, the ice was finally gone and first order was to go get the propane cylinders filled up. 50pounds of propane went into it for about 40 Bucks.
Then it was back to the trailer, putting the cylinders back in and re-install the charged-up battery. Then I hooked up and off I went heading for the border station. Had my title and the bill of sale at the ready. Now, our officers are not in the daily routine of dealing with vehicle imports, so the whole procedure took some time. Then finally I was done and went home. Backed it up our driveway and it did some ruts in the thawing ground. I leveled it off, ran the jacks out and moved the slides out.

Looking at it, the question arrived whether we will be allowed to travel south come November. It all depends of the situation of the virus spread.

We are also anxious about what will happen with tourism on the island. Will people still travel or will it all come to a stand-still? We don't know.


  1. Peter.. thanks for putting a real face to the issues of the day. Being your seasonal neighbour, I, too, have quietly begun to wonder if I will be allowed to travel to Welshpool from northeast PA later this Spring... as I have every year for the past 39 years. I guess, just like everyone else on planet Earth, I shall have to wait and see. Stay safe and be smart. :-)

  2. Great to see the new trailer back home.Stay safe and hope that the world's scientists will come up with a vaccine.

  3. Even though the Media is only trying to make people aware of what is going on some tend to dwell on it to the point of making it sound that we are all doomed.
    Using common sense will help see us through these hard times but it could affect travel plans for many in the hear future.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.


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