What a beautiful Sunday morning! It’s warm outside and we are having a wonderful breakfast in a warm and tastefully decorated home. From the radio I hear a well-known melody. It is “Morgenstemning” by Edvard Grieg, part of Peer Gynt, the famous Norwegian poetry by Henrik Ibsen. The music touches deep into my soul. This music is NORWAY in itself. The composer managed to make us see the pristine beauty of a Norwegian valley, lush green meadows and snow-clad mountains under a rising sun. Peer Gynt himself is standing high above over the bottom of the valley looking across to see the sun climb above the far-stretched mountain ridge.
 Edvard Grieg Jean Sibelius It is remarkable what a talented composer can do. Their music often touches our souls in a way we never would anticipate.
There are other composers like Bedrich Smetana (Czechia) who wrote “Die Moldau” a musical description of the river Moldau as it flows from its spring to the sea. And there is the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius with the “Finlandia Suite”, a mighty music over the endless forests and lakes of Finland, a true epos over this country on the northern fringe of Europe. What grand minds must have been behind those musical creations!
Have a great Sunday! |
Many years ago, I was given a stack of 78s, along with a record cabinet they were in. That was the first time I heard "Finlandia". I was awestruck. I think I was about 14 at the time. It stays with you.