Tuesday, November 7, 2023

You Know You Have Reached The South When You See Cotton Fields Along The Road

Today's adventure started at the Lewes,DE Ferry Terminal. After doing an early Dixie walk in the dark, (oh we saw a deer) we could actually see first daylight out east. A quick breakfast followed and then we nose-dived into the traffic machine. Now, Lewes is not a big city, but the morning traffic....oh-my....it's worthy of any huge American city.

We finally crossed the state line into Virginia and reached Cape Charles just around 11am. 

When you see cotton fields like this you are in the south

Before we went through the Toll station, we stopped at the Welcome Center. A great feature there is a beautiful nature trail. We took Dixie down there and she had a great time sniffing around all the unknown plants.

From here the Chesapeake Bay Tunnel starts. It's actually a combination of bridges and 2 tunnels stretching 17.6 miles (28.3km) across the Chesapeake Bay. It is a marvel of engineering technology, and we just love to drive it.


The lighthouse resemble our "Sparkplug" in the Lubec channel

But today, we had an even more outstanding experience. While we were in the 2. tunnel a huge Hapag Lloyd Containership went across, over top of us! 

Hapag Lloyd Containership
From the rearview mirror...

Arriving on the Virginia Beach side we were eaten up by a brutal traffic machine. 3 cities are making up a huge urban area. Virginia Beach, Norfolk and Suffolk have grown out of bounds and are producing a daily traffic chaos of sorts.

But once we had gotten on Hwy 58 towards the city of Emporia, traffic became manageable. From there we got back south-bound on the I-95. and rain

The sun was approaching the horizon as we got into Smithfield, NC. We went to the same Walmart we had been at earlier and set up camp on the outskirts of their huge parking lot.

Temps today reached 26C (78.8F). From back home we hear about 45mph wind and rain. Shudder.....

Our travel route today

Gas prices fell in time for our trip

Mighty forests along the southern route

1 comment:

  1. You're making good progress. Hope the rest of your travels continue to go smoothly.


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