Friday, November 13, 2020

The Naughty Boy Doesn't Want To Play

I never thought that I would be reminded of my very young days when I was playing outside with the boys from our neighbourhood. There was always one or the other who didn't like to lose the game we had set up and he made a face and went home pouting, instead of rather staying with his friends. 

But I'd be darned if that isn't exactly what we are seeing from the US-President these days. Trump can't stand to lose the election, and after unsuccessfully trying to throw a wrench into the game, he is now pouting in the White House, ignoring his presidential duties and the terrible spread of the Coronavirus. He was so distraught that when he showed up in the rain at Arlington cemetery to honour the fallen war heroes, he saluted under the National Anthem instead of putting his hand on his heart. Besides, he  also showed up 30 minutes late letting military officials wait in the rain. Since then, nobody has seen him nor heard him speak. But twittler is still active on his tweeting account, continuing to spread his unbelievable falsehoods and outright lies. And the deplorables still believe him. A neighbour just told me about a conversation  she'd had with a female Trump voter. She had asked why she hadn't voted for Biden/Harris. The answer will blow you away: "Because I've heard that Biden is a pedophile". I mean this would leave me speechless. Without a shred of evidence these trumpites believe any rumour they come across in right-wing media, but blissfully ignore the truth they could have found in world renown news outlets. So if they can believe Biden is a pedophile, they certainly have no problem believing the election fraud lies coming from the mouth-hole of Trump himself, again entirely ignoring the lack of any evidence, even if Trump's own Department of Homeland Security confirms that the 2020 presidential election was the securest in the history of the U.S. which even some GOP officials have confirmed.

So how is Trump gonna leave office?

Here is what an opinion article said about it:

In order to avoid federal prosecution, Trump has only one viable option. Trump would have to resign even before his term is officially over. The purpose of it being that Pence could pardon the president, as he can't pardon himself.

An interesting thought, but is it possible? Can Trump be pardoned even before federal charges will be levied against him?

The next month will show us what will happen. 

Meanwhile, we have some time to prepare for Christmas.


  1. Proud boys and trumpites to demonstrate with their guns in Washington D.C today....that's his transition.

  2. I hope you're right that the soon-to-be-ex-president can't pardon himself. It would likely have to go to the Supreme Court.

  3. The longer he dilly dallies and worries about the election, which he clearly lost, the fewer days he has to enact retribution which narcissists are famous for doing. He's a petulant idiot, and I'm appalled that anyone voted for him.

  4. That Pardon is ONLY for past present or future federal charges But New York will hand him a subpoena January 20 12:01 PM


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