Just a few weeks ago I was writing about the Little Town across the border and its past history of fishing and fish processing.
One of the really old buildings from that time was the brine shed, built on pilings high above the water. Occasionally we have seen the water of the high tides reaching to the floor boards of the building. And I think most people realized that it would only be a matter of time until it would be gone.
Now it is gone, indeed.
It was the winter storm of the past days which “took care” of it. The pilings gave way and the entire building started floating freely. First landing in Lubec. FDR-Bridge in background
At first it settled on the beach in Lubec, but the next high tide floated it off. Under the bridge it went and then landed on the Canadian side below the highwater mark in the Roosevelt Campobello International Park.
There it sits, with a chimney of bricks and a lot of loose debris spread all around.
 Even a conveyer belt of steel followed with it.
As a result it’s going to be an “International Incident” where the legal situation for ownership and cleanup comes into the picture. Thou we shalt not speculate about the outcome here and now. Just try to keep Trump out of it. He would send the military and threaten nuclear destruction. |
Give us back our sardine plant !