I might be the last Mohican to call Christmas Christmas and not “Holidays” because it’s not some holiday but a Christian celebration of the birth of Christ. “Holidays” are at various times during the rest of the year. Holidays are in the summer or during a brief winter- or spring break.
The last bloom in our garden
My belief might be threatened by extinction, but I couldn’t care less. If I look through the media, or walk through town or even meet somebody and be greeted with “Happy Holidays”, I return it by wishing Merry Christmas. I am not saying that nobody is saying Merry Christmas anymore but public sector seems to have pretty much abandoned the old-fashioned form. I am getting a bit worried and annoyed when public schools are told to abandon Christmas and call it a “Holiday”, just because there are also kids whose parents happen to have a different belief.
Everybody can have his or her very own religious or non-religious belief, but we live in a western country, with a culture cemented on Christian values and if that isn’t befitting other groups they stand free to teach their kids themselves or set up their own school. And I have no problem with any other form of celebrations and beliefs IF THOSE STAY CLEAR FROM DICTATING THAT PUBLIC SCHOOLS CANNOT EXHIBIT CHRISTIAN SYMBOLS OR FOLLOW CHRISTIAN CUSTOMS AND CELEBRATIONS. When I went to school (long time ago) we had religion classes. As Germany is considered a country dominated by the Christian belief, we learned about the Old and New Testament. I enjoyed it, because it was like learning history. But even back then, there were a few students from other countries or other beliefs. These students were not obliged to attend the religion classes. Nope, they were given other tasks and could sit in a different classroom if they so desired. It was all voluntary and it was that easy. And when the first of Advent came, we were always beginning the week with Christmas Carols and the hallways of the school were adorned with wreaths with 4 real red candles. Oh my Goodness, that would warrant the fire dept. being in the school yard!
Sunday 2. of Advent Photo by Bea Our world has become much, much more complicated over the decades and I fear for my young nieces and their offspring as to what might be in store for them. However, I reckon that Christmas will survive out my life time though. Here on Campobello we still have a Christmas Tree. And the one you see below is built of lobster traps. It’s the Island Way!
I agree! And I've never seen a lobster pot Christmas tree!
ReplyDeleteA mild irritation during Christmas season is all the "Happy Holidays" PC. Columbus day is a holiday, Presidents day is a Holiday, and so on.
ReplyDeleteI realize that most religions have similar holidays this time of year. Christmas feels warm and fuzzy to me, there are songs, family, lights and just good generous feelings all around. Peace on earth, goodwill to men.
Whenever someone says Happy Holidays to me it feels like a lukewarm meaningless gesture.
I say Merry Christmas to my Jewish brother-in-law, he says Happy Hanukkah! Now that feels good, tell me what you are celebrating, don't make it with this pathetic Happy Holidays.
By the way, I'm a Atheist, but I still want everyone, including me, to feel good about their holiday.
Well said.
DeleteEverybody can have his or her very own religious or non-religious belief, but we live in a western country, with a culture cemented on Christian values and if that isn’t befitting other groups they stand free to teach their kids themselves or set up their own school. And I have no problem with any other form of celebrations and beliefs IF THOSE STAY CLEAR FROM DICTATING THAT PUBLIC SCHOOLS CANNOT EXHIBIT CHRISTIAN SYMBOLS OR FOLLOW CHRISTIAN
Sorry Peter,I disagree with you on this one. Public schools and public buildings need to represent all religions not that I do not like Christmas,I do and love to hear people caroling and decorating it's a wonderful time of year for family and friends to come together,however it is not or should not be incumbent of me to have to participate.I respect your view and hope you understand mine.....Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
I'm afraid I don't agree with you either, Peter, on Public Schools re Christian symbols, customs and celebrations and Christmas. If we're going to go all in on one and celebrate then we should be celebrating them all.
ReplyDeleteThere are lots of places to celebrate religious holidays other than public schools and buildings.
Is this a change from past customs? Yes, of course. But, Canada has changed drastically over the past decades as well and I don't believe special consideration should be given to any one religion.
Well, here are 2 Ricks to answer: As I stated, I am old-fashioned and the "Last Mohican" and that is fine with me. I will not change my opinion about Christmas and the public mandate of honouring Christmas at public schools and buildings. I still believe that Canada and much of Europe are Christian countries and I do not wish that these countries's culture is vanishing. Who would expect that the culture in countries like f.e.x Iran, Irak, UAE etc.etc. would be vanishing because of immigrants? Nope, it doesn't because they do not allow other beliefs than their own in public. They are conscious about their religion and their beliefs. But we are not allowed the same right? Our constitution does allow to pursue other religions and beliefs, but we are giving in when it comes to public display of Christianity. Pretty soon they might take away the Christmas trees in public places. What about a Rockefeller Plaza without the huge Christmas Tree? I don't think that people would like that. When people immigrate to another country with a different culture they have to adjust to that country, not the hosting country to them. But folks I absolutely respect your opinions, it's just that your boat is sailing into a different direction.