Oh holy night or holy smokes! You remember The Griswolds? Only a few weeks left until we are in the middle of Christmas. So when this Saturday turned out to be on the mild side, (still over 50F) Bea mentioned that I should use this kind of weather to mount the Christmas Lights along the porch and she had already positioned 2 boxes full of Christmas decorations in the entry. So I knew what I had to do. I remember a couple of years back when hanging those lights my fingers almost fell off due to an icy cold wind. I sure wanted to avoid that so I started moving and got the little stepladder out. And then the fun started when trying to unwind umpteen meters of seemingly never ending Christmas light chains. We have a rope between the porch posts and that is where I am hanging the lights. Naturally, over the course of the past summer 15 lights had gone haywire and needed replacements. Whenever we got those light chains we also got a supply of dozens of spare bulbs. See, the whole stuff was picked up at a series of yard sales. People somehow get fed up with the whole Christmas business and they throw all the lights and stuff into their next yard sale where you can pick it up for pennies on the dollar.
 These pictures are from last year
 So no, it wasn’t cold today but not pleasant either.
Back in my IKEA chair, I happened to “leaf” through my picture folders and come across last years pics.
 December 05 20015
 Seems it was mild last year as well. Global warming! So far I’ve got nothing against a warmer winter. If we get winters like they have in Arizona I’d be happy. Fact is our garden is still producing lettuce and flowers are still in bloom.
Nice that the weather there is still warm for you, enjoy .....