It was a frosty morning again so I decided that I would make it a firewood production day. First I did cut all the scrap wood we hauled in from my neighbour yesterday, then I started splitting some spruce I had stacked in the woods and it all went down into the basement.
A wheelbarrow full of spruce ready to go into the basement
Then I remembered my neighbour had asked me to cut down a few trees, so I ventured over with the Husquarna and turned into a berserk for 2 hours. Now guess what….I have another pile of round wood I have to cut, but most likely it’s not gonna happen tomorrow, as rain is moving in over night. The good thing with the rain is that the temperatures will rise again. But I’s rather have clear cold days than grey rainy weather.
And that’s gonna be all for today. Trick or treat yourself at the door!

looks like you will stay warm this winter:)