Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sold and Sold
The unexpected happened today. First I sold the trailer, then in the afternoon hours a phone call with an offer for the truck, not quite the hoped for price, but I will accept it tomorrow. I will be done with all business tomorrow evening and I am sure looking forward to getting home - this time by air. I just hope that Air Canada is not getting into strike as the union has threatened the company with.

Also had the opportunity to catch up with friends and former neighbors which is always nice.

Weather has been outstanding with up-to almost 20C (68F) today, but the nights have been rather frosty and I had to scrape ice off the windshield in the morning.

While I have been rushing around town here out west, Bea has been tending her kitchen and her "krank" neighbours. That was well done, Bea! Pretty soon the days of lonely meals will be over and "Dinner for Two" will again prevail.

Thanks for dropping by and see ya tomorrow.


  1. That's fantastic news. Wish you could have gotten the price you wanted, but having one that you will take is almost as good. Good luck getting home.

  2. Congrats...does it mean that you are leaving the RV life????

  3. Congrats, when it rains it pours, but this time it was good luck coming down:)

  4. Congratulations on your sales! Always nice to have that out of the way.

    Kevin and Ruth


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