Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Cibola WildLife Refuge

This morning we went over to the Cibola Wildlife Refuge. We were looking for migrating birds, but got disappointed. The migration of the big birds was already finished and they had moved on.

We drove for miles down the Levee Rd until the very end where we turned left onto the Cibola Lake Road. It's a pretty rough road, very bumpy and not to recommend under heavy rainfalls, but today we got along pretty well.

When reaching NWR Headquarters we pulled up and went inside.

We were greeted by a very friendly and very knowledgeable lady who started to explain and answer our questions. Yes, the migrating birds had already left, but migrating songbirds were expected in the coming weeks. So tough luck for us!

The rest of the day was spent in camp. 

We are just a few miles south of Palo Verde and will be moving over to LaPosa South LTVA in Quartzsite tomorrow. We don't know yet how long we will stay there, possibly to the end of the month.

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