What is it that keeps us moving again? Couldn't we just sit around at Quartzsite and wait until it would be time to go home?
Nope, we are plagued with curiosity and a restless spirit, which gets us back on the road.
This time we are visiting a spot we have seen before: The BLM Camp Area south of Why, AZ. Now don't get confused about the "Why" and "why". Just south of the little former mining town of Ajo is an even smaller town called "Why". 
I shouldn't even say "town", cause it isn't one. "Village" would be better. The "Why name" was chosen because Hwy 85 and 86 are actually forming a Y and that's where the village came to be.A few more miles south of the Y on Hwy 85 is another BLM Camp.
It's not an LTVA but a 14-day area. Years ago it had a host and garbage pickup and you would need to show a permit, but all that seem to have gone by the wayside. Fine with us, no problem. The area is quite beautiful, especially now after the rain brought out tons of wildflowers. It is also great if you want to observe birds. Just ask Bea about it. As soon as we had set up camp she took Dixie and wasn't seen for a couple of hours. When she came back she was glowing with excitement, which always is a good sign that her NIKON P900 would be laden with nice pics.

And I have to mention the beautiful flowers growing along the highways. As we went down Highway 85, all the way from Buckeye, AZ, we just marveled about carpets of flowers stretching out before us. Apparently this is the work of the AZ DOT, which followed the lead of Lady Bird Johnson, by seeding the ditches with wildflowers. Thank you DOT!

But even without the flowers along the highways, the desert is showing off! Take a look at the pictures we took at Quartzsite.
Never before have I never seen the desert like this.
One of the more rare sightings should be the guy shown below. It's the "Ornate Tree Lizard". This guy easily measured 2 feet in length. Bea found it at Quartzsite.
The flowers and bushes look pretty....very nice pictures.