I Am A Gun Owner, And Here’s What I Have To Say About Gun Laws
I also support every single gun control measure out there.
Why? Well, because of a number of logical reasons:
1. I go to gun shows, and I’ve witnessed more illegal cash sales than I can count. People bring guns to sell to dealers at the show and end up selling them to buyers in the parking lot who are willing to pay cash. No background check, no bill of sale, no formal transfer of ownership. Yes, this is happening, people! It is a regular occurrence and illegal in many states.
2. Every time I go to the gun range, I witness someone doing something extremely dangerous with a gun. I’ve been swept more than 20 times — this means someone has unintentionally pointed a gun at me. I’ve seen the wrong ammo used (ask my husband about the time he almost lost an eye). I’ve watched people shooting guns that they lack experience with or ones that they can’t handle (take, for example, a child or a smaller adult shooting a Desert Eagle semiautomatic handgun), causing kickback that can injure them and cause them to flail their loaded gun in all directions. I’ve seen guns jam, and people continue to fire them to “clear the jam.” I’ve seen people continue to fire when the range is “cold.” All of these people consider themselves “responsible” gun owners. Nope. And these aren’t exceptions to the rule — every single time I go to the range, I see someone doing something reckless and potentially deadly.
3. I’ve seen people handle guns when they are drunk, tired, hungover, or angry. I would never think of doing these things. It is irresponsible, and again, potentially deadly.
4. A friend of my college boyfriend pointed a loaded gun in my face because he wanted to show me how cool his new toy was. I dropped to the ground. He forgot it was loaded. He’s a high-ranking officer in the U.S. Navy.
5. The class you take to get a concealed carry permit in North Carolina is easy to pass. You sit through a two-day class, take a simple written test, get a background check and fingerprints through the sheriff’s office, and basically just have to prove that you can hit the broad side of a barn. That’s it.
6. The “hero mentality” is misguided and dangerous. Unless you have combat training, the “good guy/gal with a gun” is more likely to kill another civilian or get mistaken by cops as the shooter. I’m a decent shot with a pistol. I’m a great shot with my rifle. But in a life or death situation, where people are literally being murdered in front of me, it’s completely unrealistic to think that, even with all my training, I could do anything but add to the chaos.
7. The NRA is a terrorist organization. Yup, I said it. I used to be a member because they gave discounts on shooting-range time. I quit after one year because I couldn’t stomach the thought that my money was funding them. Their magazine and mailers are filled with propaganda about people coming to take my guns when there is absolutely zero evidence at all to suggest that is ever going to happen. Their recent ads make me sick and ashamed that I ever supported them.
8. The home protection argument makes sense to me on some level. I had a friend who was killed during a home invasion, so I get it. But an AK-47 (and other assault weapons) is not an ideal weapon for personal defense, and it serves no purpose for “home protection.” It was designed for military use. A a 12-gauge shotgun is a better, more realistic choice for home defense. I’ve never seen any peer-reviewed study/expert/article anywhere that can refute this. Bottom line: Assault-style weapons should never be in the hands of civilians. Period. And going back to point No. 7, in a home-protection or self-defense situation, you’re still more likely to injure yourself or have your own gun used against you.
These are my thoughts on the subject as an experienced, licensed, and trained gun owner. I’m already a member of the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety, and will be joining Moms Demand Action. I find it impossible to understand why other gun owners like myself don’t support these groups. They aren’t trying to take away my guns; they are trying to inject some freaking common sense into the equation — something we desperately need and that every gun owner should support.
Like the old sayings, "the horse is already out of the barn" or "you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube." America has a gun culture, with hundreds of thousands - probably millions - of guns out there, including military assault weapons. Proportionally, more guns than any country on earth. The only way there will be change is to change the gun culture (hard to do with the NRA lobby) and at the same time make assault weapons illegal. It was working until G.W. Bush had the assault weapons ban repealed.
DeleteIf my memory serves me right there has never been a massacre in the United States with the military assault rifle,,there already is a federal assault weapons ban on the books
All of the assault have been with military < style >type weapons
A note
There are ways to make an A.R. 15 a fully automatic firearm. However None of the firearms in any massacre have been set up that way
Would you (one) feel better if the AK-47 an A.R. 15's were ONLY allowed to receive a five round magazine
Conservative numbers say 300-350mill. guns in private households.
DeleteI wholeheartedly agree with Addison Ashe !!
ReplyDeleteBravo! Everyone needs to read this. Is it possible to make it go viral?
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Your quote
ReplyDeleteBut an AK-47 (and other assault weapons) is not an ideal weapon for personal defense, and it serves no purpose for “home protection.” It was designed for military use
First off let me say that I agree in part of what you say. But not to sound like the NRA but an AK-47 Americanize single shot per- pull
Same as the A.R. 15 single shot per-pull
UnLess you have a federal tobacco and firearms license
Is the only way that you're going to get a full assault rifle weapon One pull multiple rounds fired (on the legal market)
And you're perfectly right it is designed for military purposes
And should stay in that category
Your quote
Bottom line: Assault-STYLE weapons should never be in the hands of
civilians. Period.
Here's where I have a differ with you,, is it THE assault style weapons looks,,
Or is it the fact that you could pull the trigger on a magazine that can be loaded with 5 10 or 30 + rounds
What difference does it make if it is an assault style type looking weapons OR a handgun loaded with 6 13 Or 20 + rounds The damage is done
Now I'm willing to bet your first experience with a firearm was a 6 shot revolver same as mine. They were quite
As Bill said the barn door is open and the horses already left.
the ergonomics of using a semi automatic handgun is the better choice
For any type of in-close defense.
Using a long gun outside your safety zone is not justifiable as self defense to shoot
Now seeing your familiar with firearms you do realize that AK-47 A.R. 15's have a five shot magazine same as a Remington 700 bolt action or a Ruger auto 44 and out of the four none are good for large game or long distance
Their basic claim to fame is the wannabes
Now I will say,, that if you sell a firearm ( to anyone )there needs to be a mandatory background check for all.. not only for the new prospective owner. But a serial number background check on the gun legal status, as well as a certified gun safety course before anyone takes ownership .
If your opinion about writing this post on firearms has anything to do with the Florida shooting please read the FBI's report on the shooter,, yes they dropped the ball,,,
Wilbur....Addison Ashe makes a much better argument than your conservative opinion !
ReplyDeleteAnother words what you're saying is your not smart enough to form your own opinion
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should lend you my medication ,, but then again maybe if you had a real opinion it might be scary
Another words Willlburr,should be in other words...but that's just my opinion ! Keep drinking the Kool-Aid !