“So you got yourself a new toy”, Bea said just when a big chunk of spruce cracked open. TOY? This is a tool and comes in much handy, I thought but said nothing. I had to take a trip to St.Stephen today to pick up my “NUTCRACKER”, aka log-splitter.
  I had been thinking of buying one quite often, but postponed it again and again. Now there was a good offer for this 5ton splitter and I went and got it. It splits pieces up to 20 inch long and 12 inch diameter or even bigger if not too hard.
The thing is quite heavy but I got it on top of an old wooden table providing a good working height. So will I retire my axe? No, I won’t.
 The axe is still a faster tool for small and straight chunks, but I won’t have to gruel for taking on the bigger hard-to-split piece anymore.
And what else was going on today? It was the start of the Scalloping season. We counted 15 boats out on the bay today. And the weather was gorgeous for that. No wind and a sunny day.
Like your new toy,I'm sure it will get plenty of use.........stay warm!