We are done with Christmas and we have started on a new year, which again began with unspeakable violence. But WINTER is still absent in our neck of the woods. Isn’t it supposed to be snowy and frosty? But nope, temperatures are in spring-time-mode. So after lunch I took Molly and went to the beach. Sun was shining and I wasn’t the only beach comber. I even saw a car from Pennsylvania. I mean why not enjoy the area in the off-season?
After the recent stormy day, the ocean surf was still very high and loud.
  The surf zone was covered in white foamy water.
  In the distance I saw a huge tree root. And the root was going to be our turn-around point. Seen from near-by it was really huge. I tried to imagine the wave which must have deposited this thing on the beach.
Well, Molly got tired so it definitely was time to go home. Can’t subject our old lady to extensive walks anymore. But it sure was a nice New Years Walk.
What a wonderful way to begin the new year.