Monday, October 19, 2015

Driving from NYC to London, England?

If you haven’t heard it yet, this is the big news from Putin’s Russia. The Russians are thinking big. They are thinking HIGHWAY from Moscow directly to Washington, or London to NYC. A  crazy idea? Could be. And it could prove to be quite dangerous for the U.S. and Canada. A highway which could be used for an invasion not only from mother Russia, but also North Korea. Who would drive the about 13,000 miles to NYC if a jet can do this within 10 hours flat? Tourists….maybe. If the political world order would be different it  could be nice, but as long as the world is ruled by villains and lunatics and power-hungry monsters, I think the Bering Strait should stay the way it is. But by all means here is a CBC article on the subject.

Angela Mulholland,
Imagine being about to drive all the way to London, England, without ever getting on an airplane or ferry.

It could happen one day, if a proposed superhighway and railway system goes ahead, linking North America and Europe via Alaska and Siberia.

The head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, recently proposed a plan for the combined superhighway at a meeting of the Moscow-based Russian Academy of Science, according to The Siberian Times.


Alaska earthquake tsunami warning

The hugely ambitious project, dubbed the Trans-Eurasian Belt Development (TEPR), would see a new highway and railway line constructed alongside the existing Trans-Siberian Railway, and accompanied by new oil and gas pipelines.

The superhighway would cross Russia's isolated eastern regions, cross the Bering Strait between Russia and Alaska, travel through the glacial wilderness of Alaska into Canada, and finally wind into the U.S.

Not only would it bring new train, road and pipeline networks, the plan would also see the creation of infrastructure for the delivery of electricity and water supplies.

"This is an inter-state, inter-civilization, project," Yakunin said. "The project should be turned into a world 'future zone,' and it must be based on leading, not catching, technologies."

Yakunin provided no details about the costs of such a plan, nor how it could be achieved in what many consider the coldest and most challenging climate on Earth.

But civil engineer Rick Baldasti, the head of the municipal and highways department at LEA Consulting Ltd. in Mississauga, Ont. says it sounds like a very expensive undertaking.

"I could see that being a multi-billion -- multi-trillion -- dollar venture," he told CTV

Baldasti says, while the idea sounds "awesome," it would be extremely challenging to construct such major infrastructure on land covered by permafrost, glaciers and snow.

"There are no roads or bridges or structures up there, and there's a reason for that: the climate just precludes it," he said.

The superhighway would likely cross the Bering Strait at its narrowest point, leading into the Wales Indian Reservation. But even at that point, 87 kilometres of ocean separate the two continents.

It would be impossible to build a bridge across a span like that, while building an tunnel beneath the ice would be likely just as impractical.

Even if the engineering challenges could be solved, there's also the problem of how to cross the uninhabited areas of Alaska. Currently, the only way to get from Wales to the next major town, Fairbanks, is to take a 10-hour flight.

Baldasti notes there are pipelines across Alaska, but they are built on stilts across the permafrost.

"You can build gas pipelines on permafrost, but it's a bit like building on Jell-O," he says.

Though the pipelines are made to be somewhat flexible to account for shifts in ice, that wouldn't be possible with a rigid rail line or highway, he says.

While building across the Arctic sounds daunting, that doesn't mean there aren't those who want to try. There's an abundance of natural resources in the North that many are eager to access, and the Russian pipeline project could allow that to happen.

Still, Baldasti says the plan will likely remain a pipe dream.

"The idea of combining a pipeline and rail line sounds like an awesome idea. I'd love to get involved with it. But I'd say it's more of a fairy tale," he said.


  1. A next to impossible feat I would think, but ya never know.

  2. A big dream but unrealistic. Interesting to see what transpires.

  3. Perhaps, it just might be a reality. However, been to Russia and don't ever plan on going back either by air, by water or by road.

    1. Then there is no need for you. I haven't been there and won't go either.


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