It is sure getting darker a lot earlier now and even though the sun was shining like there should never be a cloud again, there was a sharp touch to the air which clearly indicates the change in the season. When I was driving through Maine last week I saw the first bright colors among the dark green of spruce trees and some maples were already showing off in bright red.
This morning I spotted a freighter just heading out of Eastport and taking directions through Head Harbour Passage. When I tell people about what load these freighters are actually taking they are most amazed. They are taking life pregnant cows from the U.S. to Turkey. The poor cows have been sent up to Eastport from various places in the U.S. before they are shipped out.
Island businesses are winding down after a nice summer and tourists are only arriving in small numbers now. Herring Cove Prov. Park’s campground is closing up after the coming weekend. We will be operating the sightseeing until October 8, when the Roosevelt Park is having their last day.
When the phone rang in the afternoon I heard a familiar voice on the other end. It was PEI-Bob calling from Vermont. He is on his way to see his brother in Nappanee,ON and will reach his destination tomorrow morning. He said he hoped we would meet again down south. And I sure hope that too, even though there is still some uncertainty about it.
We also received a forwarded email from the Holtville Hot Springs Camp Host wishing us all welcome back to another “enjoyable summer”. Thanks Diania for forwarding that email to us. It just shows that the “Hot Springs Bunch” has grown into some very nice family of campers where everybody is saddened if one of the friends can’t show up. And sadly, every year there are always a few dear faces gone missing. Our long-time host Stan has been called home this summer and we’re all going to miss him and his wife Jeanny.
Our new host will be Steve, and in his email he was also telling about that he still “enjoyed” three-digit temps, but that the bridge across the canal was fixed and the Hot Spring hadn’t ceased running and was without damage after the summer.
So, if that isn’t invitation enough I really don’t know.
Thanks for coming along today as well.
Holtville was on our plans for last year but that bridge changed those plans. Aren't quite sure about any plans there this year. We'll be in the area but not sure where exacty the area will be.
ReplyDeleteOur evenings are sure getting short here too. Fall is definitely in the air.
Noticing the seasonal changes here on Vancouver Island also. Evenings are becomming much cooler to. Interesting about how they ship the pregnant cows to Turkey, who would imagine? Have a Great Tuesday!
ReplyDeleteNice to hear that the bridge across the canal is fixed, it sure was a nuisance getting in there last year. But is always nice to meet up with old friends and meet new ones. That's where we met you guys. No doubt we will be back there again this year once we get to Arizona and California, such a fun place to be.