Thursday, November 7, 2024

The Day Many Are Grieving About


  1. We share your grief and disbelief. So many repercussions both here and around the world.

    “Cry havok and let slip the dogs of war!” they say, as if this is a good thing.
    In a single night we have laid waste to the future and the world trembles in our wake.
    The world remembers deep in its bones, its first taste of such virulent hatred, and the devastation that followed.
    Our vow that we would never allow it to happen again, apparently forgotten.
    Now we stand on that precipice once more and there is no one between us and the cruelty to come. The watchmen have forsaken us.
    And we have foresworn an earlier generation's sacrifice.
    Look into the abyss and scream, throw your rage into the Void.
    Finished? Wash your hands. Dry your eyes. Stay hydrated.
    Now, pick up your shovel, your pickaxe, your cadaver dogs and your hip boots, no one is coming to rescue us.
    We will have to save ourselves.

  3. Marching towards a Fourth Reich in America.

  4. Let's say that you are completely correct in your political opinion.

    Isn't it still possible to learn from this election that screaming Hitler, Fascist, Nazi, racist at everybody who disagrees with you, just doesn't work that well anymore.

    And that the people who fall into this trap are being lazy and unimaginative. They are a bit like people who capitalize or italicize too many words in their sentences, or who end every other sentence with exclamation marks, or who use the other F-word in every sentence.

  5. I bet you still spend the winter

  6. As my grandma used to tell us kids, "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it". Our household is certainly dreading what the future might bring.


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