Sunday, October 1, 2023

Summer Is Officially Over And I Have The Hitch-Itch!

After the rainiest and foggiest summer in a long time, we are officially in the fall season.

The days are now shorter, the evenings longer. And I have been watching a couple of travel documentary series. Young people traveling through Central Asia with an old revived Mercedes truck, while other young couples are traversing the Andes Mountains in Peru with a Land Rover.

Watching stuff like that gets me into dangerous terrain. I am catching myself wanting to journey into uncharted areas of this globe. Actually, when I was young, those plans and ideas had taken up a front seat in my thinking. And it has led me leaving Germany behind for ever moving to Norway, and later to Canada. I should be all content now having seen so much and still doing so. But holy cow, the realisation that I got old over all of this is hurting, when the longing for the far-away horizon is still there living a hopeful life for an exciting future.

And then I look outside, and there is our RV, just waiting to get hitched onto the tow vehicle and hitting the highway. 

As you may recall, we are renting out our trailer through Air-BnB, and this summer's rental season broke all previous records. With the last guest leaving tomorrow, my excitement getting everything ready for a start into a warm winter season way down south is boundless.

October is just starting out and with that I am still facing the last  2-3 weeks of business pressing on. 

Once we reach November, I am going into overdrive. So many things must be done, and this time we will avoid to overload the trailer. For the first time, we will be traveling with a minimum of water in the holding tank. Instead, we will carry a few 5-gal. water containers in the van. Once we need the water, we will use a small battery-operated pump to transfer 5 gal of water into the trailer. And our wastewater holding tanks will be emptied as often as possible.

So, wait and see what's going to happen as we are gearing up for this winter adventure.


  1. Looking forward to following your adventures this winter. We have also just bought a 23ft camper and plan on using it in Florida this winter...Happy Trails

  2. I totally understand that wanderlust. I'm just trying to figure out how to make it happen in a whole new way. Hope you get everything done so you can hit the road.


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