The old town of Yuma. AZ
Today we went to see the old town of Yuma and pick up our mail. After 2 previous attempts we receive our mail at the Yuma Post Office. Then we drive down to see what is left from the old days. Well, there isn't too much being really old. Most of the old center has been rebuilt even though architecture reminds of long-ago days. Some single buildings seem to be from the beginning of last century. The center, or "Main Street Plaza" as it is called, resembles a market place with its numerous booths of artistic merchandise.
Since we are close to Christmas, a decorated tree has been put up at the entry. Yuma Main Plaza has a relaxed atmosphere which is underlined through a country musician on stage. People are hanging out here, browsing, buying or just sitting around on benches under the shaded store fronts.

Yuma has indeed a rich history beginning already at the time when several Indian tribes were populating the banks of the Colorado River, these were namely the Quechans, the Cocopahs and the Mohaves. Recording, however first started in the 16th. century when explorers, adventurers and pioneers were pressing on to reach the American west. At that time the river was broad, untamed and wild rushing towards the Gulf of California. Some places the riverbed was 15miles wide and quite impossible to fort. Because of a geological formation the river narrowed into a 400 yards wide channel at the future town site of Yuma. Until 1950 the tribe of the Quechans were also called the Yumas and as a result the Colorado Fort was called Yuma Crossing.
Yuma's history recordings began on a day in 1540 when the Spanish explorer Hernando de Alarcon arrived at the Colorado River. From that day and until 1854 Yuma was under the Spanish and Mexican flag. Then, in 1854 and as part of the Gadsden Purchase Yuma became part of the U.S. Territory. As a strategic point with an increasing east-west traffic Fort Yuma was founded in 1849. Being the only viable south western route 60.000 people passed through Yuma from 1849-1850. During this time the town was called Colorado City. In 1870 Yuma had become an integral part of the Wild West and represented a challenge for law and order. Bandits preyed upon the civilized part of the population and in 1876 the Arizona Territorial Prison was built in Yuma. housing the most dangerous and notorious criminals until 1909. It soon became a symbol of frontier justice and still stands as a landmark for Arizona's intolerance of treachery.
December 03
The day turns out to be windy and I have a terrible back pain and we stay home.
December 04
Another windy day. Walking along the canal is quite impossible because of blowing sand. I am still in back pain.
December 05
Today we have to bring the trailer to the Sani Dump in El Centro. Louis and Terri help putting the 5th.wheel hitch into the truck bed. From El Centro we go to Calexico for laundry, from where I call home to get the newest.
December 06
It seems the nights are getting chilly. As of this morning we had about 0 C (32F) however at 8 am we have 18 C in the sun and actually can sit outside. Desert temps during the winter.
December 07
We decide to do a drive to famous Quartzsite today. Quartzsite is the renown capitol of the snowbirds in America.

Several TV-crews have published footage about Quartzsite and its millions of winter campers coming from all over North America.

So we follow Hwy 78 east and north. At Palo Verde the road touches the banks of the Colorado and the County offers a nice free campground right besides the river. On both sides of the road farmers are growing cotton, and now is the time of harvest.

Passing Ripley the 78 soon connects to Interstate 10. At Blythe we stop to buy some lunch. And then we reach Quartzsite. The first thing you'll see is ---- RV's. There are RV's everywhere. Parked in the desert within the town, at RV-Resorts, the reason why Quartzsite is known to the world. It simply is the capitol of all winter vacationing campers of North America.

Besides of coming here for spending the winter people love the Gem and Rock Shows. It all kicks off in January when the big RV-show is on.

Yuma's history recordings began on a day in 1540 when the Spanish explorer Hernando de Alarcon arrived at the Colorado River. From that day and until 1854 Yuma was under the Spanish and Mexican flag. Then, in 1854 and as part of the Gadsden Purchase Yuma became part of the U.S. Territory. As a strategic point with an increasing east-west traffic Fort Yuma was founded in 1849. Being the only viable south western route 60.000 people passed through Yuma from 1849-1850. During this time the town was called Colorado City. In 1870 Yuma had become an integral part of the Wild West and represented a challenge for law and order. Bandits preyed upon the civilized part of the population and in 1876 the Arizona Territorial Prison was built in Yuma. housing the most dangerous and notorious criminals until 1909. It soon became a symbol of frontier justice and still stands as a landmark for Arizona's intolerance of treachery.
December 03
The day turns out to be windy and I have a terrible back pain and we stay home.
December 04
Another windy day. Walking along the canal is quite impossible because of blowing sand. I am still in back pain.
December 05
Today we have to bring the trailer to the Sani Dump in El Centro. Louis and Terri help putting the 5th.wheel hitch into the truck bed. From El Centro we go to Calexico for laundry, from where I call home to get the newest.
December 06
It seems the nights are getting chilly. As of this morning we had about 0 C (32F) however at 8 am we have 18 C in the sun and actually can sit outside. Desert temps during the winter.
December 07
We decide to do a drive to famous Quartzsite today. Quartzsite is the renown capitol of the snowbirds in America.
Several TV-crews have published footage about Quartzsite and its millions of winter campers coming from all over North America.
So we follow Hwy 78 east and north. At Palo Verde the road touches the banks of the Colorado and the County offers a nice free campground right besides the river. On both sides of the road farmers are growing cotton, and now is the time of harvest.
Passing Ripley the 78 soon connects to Interstate 10. At Blythe we stop to buy some lunch. And then we reach Quartzsite. The first thing you'll see is ---- RV's. There are RV's everywhere. Parked in the desert within the town, at RV-Resorts, the reason why Quartzsite is known to the world. It simply is the capitol of all winter vacationing campers of North America.
Besides of coming here for spending the winter people love the Gem and Rock Shows. It all kicks off in January when the big RV-show is on.
But right now we are interested in visiting the flea market. And what a flea market that is. You have been looking for that rare kitchen item what your grandma had in the fifties? You'll find it right here. Looking for a part for your 56 Chevrolet BelAir or a couple of used tires or an old gun? You like old records of the sixties? Ok start looking at the Quartzsite flea market. Chances are you'll find it all here.
Here we also meet Joe, standing by his sales booth ready for a talk with a potential customer. I don't know what Joe actually is selling, because his personality takes all of my attention. I assume him to be around 75 years old. His face, marked by wrinkles as deep as the Grand Canyon, is framed by gray hair growing wildly from everywhere where a mans face might show hair, forming a collar around his neck. He's holding his 1 year old grandson (?) on his lap, while he is telling us about Quartzsite. "You wait until next month and there will be approx. 1.5 mill. people here leaving you no chance to park your truck anywhere close to town".
After parting with Joe we are heading down Hwy 95 south towards Yuma. And here, right after leaving Quartzsite we discover the biggest campground in the world. 11,000 acres (4,500ha's) of desert land are giving space to several hundred thousand campers. This is the biggest LTVA within the BLM-system. Besides of that, you are free to park anywhere else outside of designated areas for max 14 days without a permit.
The area borders to the KOFA Wildlife Refuge east of Hwy 95. Here we admire peaks, towers and pinnacles striving against the blue sky out of the flat desert landscape making the perfect backdrop for a Mel Gibson Fiction movie.
Far to the west Bea notices a huge dust cloud moving through the desert. Oh, that sure looks like the Santa Fe Stage Coach crossing. We wonder what that might be and stop for taking a picture of the huge old giants of the southwestern desert, the SAGUARO CACTI. A Saguaro gets many hundred years old, and it is said that it takes 100 years before the first arm starts poking out. The process of dying takes not less than 40 years, but you'll rarely see a completely dead Saguaro as their stems are popular for making lamps, selling for hundreds of Dollars at tourist places like Sedona, AZ.
Far to the west Bea notices a huge dust cloud moving through the desert. Oh, that sure looks like the Santa Fe Stage Coach crossing. We wonder what that might be and stop for taking a picture of the huge old giants of the southwestern desert, the SAGUARO CACTI. A Saguaro gets many hundred years old, and it is said that it takes 100 years before the first arm starts poking out. The process of dying takes not less than 40 years, but you'll rarely see a completely dead Saguaro as their stems are popular for making lamps, selling for hundreds of Dollars at tourist places like Sedona, AZ.
cloud has moved across the desert and towards Hwy 95. Finally, a mile ahead we see a big tank truck appearing out of the cloud, and turning onto Hwy95. Of course we are disappointed of not seeing that Stage Coach we hoped for.
When reaching Yuma the sun is about to drop behind the horizon. And shortly after it is dark. We have to shop some groceries and fill diesel and propane. Rolling in on our campground at 6.30 Ca-time we have a quick supper and then join our neighbors at the fire.
When reaching Yuma the sun is about to drop behind the horizon. And shortly after it is dark. We have to shop some groceries and fill diesel and propane. Rolling in on our campground at 6.30 Ca-time we have a quick supper and then join our neighbors at the fire.
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