April, April…..they were shouting at me when they had pulled one of their strange stories on me. I remember it well, as I felt so embarrassed that I had given any belief to it. Even newspapers were spreading hoaxes making people to run to the phone calling around to investigate. But like they say it was all “Smoke and Mirrors”.
The custom of sending people into the month of April by tricking them to believe an unbelievable story is widespread and very well alive today. And nobody really knows the reason how and why and where this custom originated. Some sources say it evolved during the middle ages in Germany. European Immigrants brought the custom over to North America. Perusing the media news today one should be aware of “wild” stories on the front pages.
Like this one I just found on Facebook: A team of reporters have arrived at a veterinary clinic. They have heard about an entirely new and successful way of operating on animals. When they approach the front counter they are greeted by “Monika” the receptionist. Monika is wearing the mask of a Hippo and after recovering from the shock the reporters are learning that animals are meeting “animals” here which has a very calming effect on them. One of the doctors is wearing the mask of a pig.
The “operating pig assisted by a Dalmatian”, ready to get to work Pigs are very smart animals and dogs are feeling more safe when they know a pig is performing the surgery. The story goes on and on filled with numerous examples of the new technique, which by the way was carried over from Australia where they had employed it for a long time.
Yup, that’s what April Fool day is about. Usually you believe it until the story becomes too weird and you remember “It’s April 1.” |
Luckily, April 2nd will be here soon:)
ReplyDeleteYes, some people go to all lengths trying to pull jokes on others.... not my favorite thing though.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of April Fools...have you seen the latest move the Maine governor has come up with??
ReplyDeleteTHX for the heads-+++up Rick. I did not knew that yet. But now I know. There are sure a few GOPs never having grown up and out of kindergarten.