We have been coming to the Hot Springs since 2005 and have never had a cold spell like we are having right now. A pail of water had frozen over solidly this morning and even though the sun is out bright in a deep blue sky, a strong bone-chilling northern wind makes us stay inside the rig.
But of course this was the day I had to go get water from town. When I put our blue 45gal. bladder on the roof of the van a gust came by and flipped it over before I even got some water into it.  In the days when we used to travel in a pickup pulling our 37ft. 5th wheel, we always carried a solid 50gal. plastic tank on the truck bed. This all changed as soon as we had the motorhome. I bought the 45gal. bladder from a fellow RVer and started to carry it on the roof of our JEEP PATRIOT. The bonus of that was that I didn’t need a water pump anymore. It simply ran into the RV by gravity. With the van I have to stretch my 6ft. frame a bit farther up to place the bladder across the roof, but it still works – except when a gust blows it back down. At first I tried to tie the thing down on the roof, but that proved unnecessary. The pure weight of the water keeps this rubber bladder “nailed” to the roof even at 60mph down the highway.
Bea has been indulging in playing desert golf – in the sand. Years ago Rvers have established a 9 –hole and an 18-hole golf course in the desert and most days people come by to play a round of golf there. As is typical for Bea, she engages in golf in a most scientific way. She has been working hard improving her ways to position herself and moving the club so it hits the ball and not the tee or the sand. She had pics taken of herself swinging the club comparing it with whatever studies she can find on the Internet. Of course this “golf course” is dotted with bushes, small rocks and all kind of challenges, but I think that if one can play it here one might be able to play it anywhere else. And we do have a nice golf course on Campobello Island.
Thanks for looking!
Peter forgot to mention that it is my second week manhandling a golf club and, as you can see, I am a far cry from being anywhere near a "good" posture, yet. But, you gotta have something to do in the desert, eh?
ReplyDeleteWe bought one of those 45-gallon bladders last year from the consignment shop in Q. Now we wouldn't be without it. I worried about it on the top of our Jeep too. It rides like it's supposed and the water flows downhill. However, with it so cold we have no intention of trying to fill the tanks up until we need to.
ReplyDeleteI've heard other people mention these 'water bladders' before and didn't know what they were. Now I know !
ReplyDeleteGreat swing Bea!!! It is supposed to start warming up now. It was freezing in Q yesterday with all the wind blowing. I hope to see you guys at the RV Show if you are going.