Just on the Go
A rather cool, but sunny day is over. We went to do laundry in El Centro with all the bedding stuff and got it all dry again, though I was sceptical. However, the sun did it again.
After lunch we took down the internet receiver and returned it to BEAMSPEED in Calexico. Then I re-mounted the 2x4s which we used for antennae tower and screwed them back on the auto-hauler to serve as rails, so I don't drive the car off the trailer :-))
And tonight we're gonna have another campfire with neighbors.
Hopefully we will a few nice pics from our day trip to Julian tomorrow.
Stay tuned and thanks for dropping by!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
It could have been named SEE-WORLD as there is indeed a lot to SEE in this world, they have created in San Diego.
And we had the pleasure of seeing it back in February 2009. Now, I had never been into anything like this, so it sure was a big experience. Besides of all the animals in the water there were also flamingos and a lot of other birds to see. A special attraction was the pet-animal show, or what do you say to a white cat vanishing in a hole and coming back out as a black cat? Just to mention a simple example of what I remember.
White Beluga Whale
And this girl was up to get a ride on a Dolphin
The main attraction nobody misses is the show with
the Orcas
These clowns had a good time with their trainer and
gave us a good laughter
7 Days left in Holtville!
Thanks for visiting!
The Last Week
The last week at the Hot Springs is starting tomorrow.
Hard to believe that we have spent 4 months down here already.
Coming Sunday we will be pulling out spending one night in Yuma, for getting our awning adjusted on Monday. Then we will take off to Quartzsite where we will be spending another night, and finally we will be going to a BLM area near Wickenburg,AZ. Al from the Bayfield Bunch posted a useful hint about the area at the Vulture Peak Road the other day. That's where I will be spending a few days after dropping Bea of at the Phoenix Airport.
I am thinking of going down to the Why area the following week.
And now I have a funny one from a real RV'er for you:
In most jurisdictions it is strictly forbidden to transport people in a travel trailer. That was also the case in Germany, when a family was going down the Autobahn with mother in law having a nap in their travel trailer.
When they had a pit stop at a rest area everybody got out and also mother in law had to go some place private.
Returning to the rig everybody got in the car and off they went down the Highway. What they did not know was that mother in law had needed a bit of extra time and was now standing quite lost on the parking lot looking for help. It was when a police cruiser pulled in that she told the officers about her being left behind by the family. The helpful officers placed mother in law in the backseat, turned on their lights and whisked her down the Autobahn after the RV.
Pretty soon they saw the rig going the allowed 50mph in the right lane. After stopping them they left mother in law in hiding in the backseat. They went over the driver and demanding to see papers. Then they asked him to open up the travel trailer. The man got pretty nervous and while he opened the door he admitted that his mother in law was napping in there. However looking inside he realized that that was not the case anymore. Now he was really nervous, and it was time for the officers to produce his mother in law from the backseat of their cruiser. I've heard that he gladly accepted the ticket in exchange for getting back his mother in law.
Make sure everybody is aboard before you go on!
We welcome "Dean" as a new follower. Dean has several websites worth checking out.
Thanks for stopping by.
The last week at the Hot Springs is starting tomorrow.
Hard to believe that we have spent 4 months down here already.
Coming Sunday we will be pulling out spending one night in Yuma, for getting our awning adjusted on Monday. Then we will take off to Quartzsite where we will be spending another night, and finally we will be going to a BLM area near Wickenburg,AZ. Al from the Bayfield Bunch posted a useful hint about the area at the Vulture Peak Road the other day. That's where I will be spending a few days after dropping Bea of at the Phoenix Airport.
I am thinking of going down to the Why area the following week.
And now I have a funny one from a real RV'er for you:
In most jurisdictions it is strictly forbidden to transport people in a travel trailer. That was also the case in Germany, when a family was going down the Autobahn with mother in law having a nap in their travel trailer.
When they had a pit stop at a rest area everybody got out and also mother in law had to go some place private.
Returning to the rig everybody got in the car and off they went down the Highway. What they did not know was that mother in law had needed a bit of extra time and was now standing quite lost on the parking lot looking for help. It was when a police cruiser pulled in that she told the officers about her being left behind by the family. The helpful officers placed mother in law in the backseat, turned on their lights and whisked her down the Autobahn after the RV.
Pretty soon they saw the rig going the allowed 50mph in the right lane. After stopping them they left mother in law in hiding in the backseat. They went over the driver and demanding to see papers. Then they asked him to open up the travel trailer. The man got pretty nervous and while he opened the door he admitted that his mother in law was napping in there. However looking inside he realized that that was not the case anymore. Now he was really nervous, and it was time for the officers to produce his mother in law from the backseat of their cruiser. I've heard that he gladly accepted the ticket in exchange for getting back his mother in law.
Make sure everybody is aboard before you go on!
We welcome "Dean" as a new follower. Dean has several websites worth checking out.
Thanks for stopping by.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
When Happy Campers meet for breakfast
They came up with the idea of having a breakfast with their friends. Ron and Betty have been visiting the Hot Springs year after year and Ron has been doing breakfasts for Betty every Sunday. So he had a lot of experience when he was the cook for everybody today.
He started it all with a bonfire yesterday evening. After we retired he poured the hot coals into a hole in the ground and placed too cast iron pots with beans and bacon on top. Then the whole thing was covered with gravel and forgotten until the morning.
Today he dug up the beans and voila, they were cooked to perfection. Old Indian trick!
But that was not enough. Ron prepared a load of crisp bacon, eggs made to our individual wishes and toast as well.
Soon enough the place got crowded with breakfast-hungry people. Betty had made sure she had a CD with Accordeon music of our very own camp musicians.
Can Camping get any better than this? I don't think so. While a ferocious blizzard has caused major problems in the Ottawa region, we had a fun-filled saturday morning in outstanding weather.
Enjoy your day and thanks for stopping by.
Friday, February 24, 2012
It's Really Warming Up!
When temperatures are reaching 80F (26C) and above our activities seem to diminish with every degree the themometer climbs higher. It so happened today. After a lazy morning, broken only by juicing the remaining oranges and neighbor lady stopping by for a chat, we had ourselves our daily bowl with oats, and then it was napping time.
Having a dog means that one has to go for a walk from time to time. We do that every morning before the sun makes our skin throw blisters, but then in the afternoon hours Molly starts coming up to us looking into our face an there is simply no room for misunderstandings. She wants another walk. So one of us is going with her.
Yesterday evening we got invited for a Chilli supper with the neighbors from Saskatchewan. It was still warm enough to enjoy supper outside under the awning. Then we went to a bonfire at the host station. It is just another thing Molly knows about. Once in a while when there is no bonfire, and we stay home, Molly is giving us the looks, walking up and down the floor. The reason for that is easy to understand, as there is alway someone around the fire who is carrying a goodie for Molly in his pocket. And when the treat is gone, she keeps coming back again and again to sniff at the person's pocket for more treats. The ways of a dog...
I met a couple from Alaska today. They had parked their rig along the road.
And what a rig it was. Perched on the flatbed of their FUSO-truck was a true Alaska wooden cabin with a pitched roof, residential-style windows and inside most of the features one would expect in a small RV, except that the only feature which was really out the RV-World was a propane cooking range. Everything else they would have to go to a lumber mart to get replaced or fixed.
I got even more surprised when I saw a row of pictures of other motor homes they have owned. One, a 38ft wooden motor home, they still have at home.
And the owners, John and Linda just returned from Mexico and when I came down, John was re-varnishing the outside of the rig. Don't see that every day!
This posting got published a bit too early and before I had a chance to add the pics. So I repost it again.
When temperatures are reaching 80F (26C) and above our activities seem to diminish with every degree the themometer climbs higher. It so happened today. After a lazy morning, broken only by juicing the remaining oranges and neighbor lady stopping by for a chat, we had ourselves our daily bowl with oats, and then it was napping time.
Having a dog means that one has to go for a walk from time to time. We do that every morning before the sun makes our skin throw blisters, but then in the afternoon hours Molly starts coming up to us looking into our face an there is simply no room for misunderstandings. She wants another walk. So one of us is going with her.
Yesterday evening we got invited for a Chilli supper with the neighbors from Saskatchewan. It was still warm enough to enjoy supper outside under the awning. Then we went to a bonfire at the host station. It is just another thing Molly knows about. Once in a while when there is no bonfire, and we stay home, Molly is giving us the looks, walking up and down the floor. The reason for that is easy to understand, as there is alway someone around the fire who is carrying a goodie for Molly in his pocket. And when the treat is gone, she keeps coming back again and again to sniff at the person's pocket for more treats. The ways of a dog...
I met a couple from Alaska today. They had parked their rig along the road.
And what a rig it was. Perched on the flatbed of their FUSO-truck was a true Alaska wooden cabin with a pitched roof, residential-style windows and inside most of the features one would expect in a small RV, except that the only feature which was really out the RV-World was a propane cooking range. Everything else they would have to go to a lumber mart to get replaced or fixed.
I got even more surprised when I saw a row of pictures of other motor homes they have owned. One, a 38ft wooden motor home, they still have at home.
And the owners, John and Linda just returned from Mexico and when I came down, John was re-varnishing the outside of the rig. Don't see that every day!
This posting got published a bit too early and before I had a chance to add the pics. So I repost it again.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
What's up?
Today there is nothing much to report.
We are enjoying a lot of very nice weather out here, and tomorrow it's gonna be even warmer (84F). But do we complain about hot weather? Noooo we don't.
But the bugs are coming, you say?
Yeah, there are a few, but so far it hasn't been too bad. Lizards are around as well, but what about snakes? Aren't snakes working under the same conditions as lizards? I think they do. So be aware of snakes when venturing out in the hot desert sun.
We are planning a trip out into the Borrego area again. Spring flowers are always a wonderful sight and worth the drive, and Borrego is a world reknown area for the early spring blooms. Of course, when doing the drive west we are also bound to end up in Julian.
Julian has a famous bakery and I can kinda smell the apple pies all the way over here. And you know what that does to me, right?
And I guess that's it from here for today.
And if you feel it's getting too hot, stay in the shade!
Thanks for visiting.
Today there is nothing much to report.
We are enjoying a lot of very nice weather out here, and tomorrow it's gonna be even warmer (84F). But do we complain about hot weather? Noooo we don't.
But the bugs are coming, you say?
Yeah, there are a few, but so far it hasn't been too bad. Lizards are around as well, but what about snakes? Aren't snakes working under the same conditions as lizards? I think they do. So be aware of snakes when venturing out in the hot desert sun.

We are planning a trip out into the Borrego area again. Spring flowers are always a wonderful sight and worth the drive, and Borrego is a world reknown area for the early spring blooms. Of course, when doing the drive west we are also bound to end up in Julian.
Julian has a famous bakery and I can kinda smell the apple pies all the way over here. And you know what that does to me, right?

And I guess that's it from here for today.
And if you feel it's getting too hot, stay in the shade!
Thanks for visiting.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
It aint't gonna be boring
A relative had asked me what we were doing all day, when being out here in the desert. She wondered whether life would be boring. Of course, we all know that that’s not the case. However, sometimes we get into some unexpected occupations like f.ex. I did today.
I had been sitting at the dinette staring into cyber space when I heard Bea scream in the bathroom.
What had happened now again??
Well, as it turned out the water line behind the toilet had popped an water was gushing out, flooding our lovely home. Yep, pump was working!
After shutting down the pump we assessed the damage. Luckily the motorhome was slanting a bit towards the kitchen, so the water had run over to that side and found its way out from under the slide and filled our baggage compartment. Now, it was another lucky thing that it had not been running more than probably 5-7 minutes, before Bea, coming out of the bedroom, had noticed it.
Bea moped up the water inside, while I took care of the baggage compartment. With the sun shining full power and a slight wind, everything will dry up in no time.
But I needed to fix the water pipe. In a tight corner the glued-on elbow had popped up from the downward water pipe. I had “fixed” that once earlier and met the problem that the residential-type elbow was made of a different sort plastic than the RV-type water pipe, so I had used a glue for PVC pipes only. This time I made sure I got a glue good for PVC CPVC and ABS plastics.
While I was scurrying off to town and the Hardware Store I saw something that made me stop the car. A guy was about to trim down Orange and Lemon trees with the fruits still on!
I quickly got one of our big shopping bags out and filled it to the brim. These oranges are very sour and cannot be enjoyed raw, but they sure make for excellent bitter orange marmalade. I picked a few big lemons too!
After I had fixed the water pipe I went ballistic in the kitchen department. Two neighbor ladies popped in staring in disbelief. Here I was chopping and peeling oranges by the dozens, then filling every pot I could find in the cupboard. Well, it took me the better part of the day, but now we are the lucky owners of 6 well-filled glass jars of wonderful orange marmalade.
A couple of new followers have found it worth their while to spend some time reading our blog and we hope they will have enough fun to stay on a while.
Welcome "purplerain", "The odd essay", "DearlittleMermaid", and "Jim and Rosie Sathe".
A relative had asked me what we were doing all day, when being out here in the desert. She wondered whether life would be boring. Of course, we all know that that’s not the case. However, sometimes we get into some unexpected occupations like f.ex. I did today.
Moping it up... |
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The "Corpus Delicti" |
What had happened now again??
Well, as it turned out the water line behind the toilet had popped an water was gushing out, flooding our lovely home. Yep, pump was working!
After shutting down the pump we assessed the damage. Luckily the motorhome was slanting a bit towards the kitchen, so the water had run over to that side and found its way out from under the slide and filled our baggage compartment. Now, it was another lucky thing that it had not been running more than probably 5-7 minutes, before Bea, coming out of the bedroom, had noticed it.
Bea moped up the water inside, while I took care of the baggage compartment. With the sun shining full power and a slight wind, everything will dry up in no time.
But I needed to fix the water pipe. In a tight corner the glued-on elbow had popped up from the downward water pipe. I had “fixed” that once earlier and met the problem that the residential-type elbow was made of a different sort plastic than the RV-type water pipe, so I had used a glue for PVC pipes only. This time I made sure I got a glue good for PVC CPVC and ABS plastics.
While I was scurrying off to town and the Hardware Store I saw something that made me stop the car. A guy was about to trim down Orange and Lemon trees with the fruits still on!
I quickly got one of our big shopping bags out and filled it to the brim. These oranges are very sour and cannot be enjoyed raw, but they sure make for excellent bitter orange marmalade. I picked a few big lemons too!
After I had fixed the water pipe I went ballistic in the kitchen department. Two neighbor ladies popped in staring in disbelief. Here I was chopping and peeling oranges by the dozens, then filling every pot I could find in the cupboard. Well, it took me the better part of the day, but now we are the lucky owners of 6 well-filled glass jars of wonderful orange marmalade.
A couple of new followers have found it worth their while to spend some time reading our blog and we hope they will have enough fun to stay on a while.
Welcome "purplerain", "The odd essay", "DearlittleMermaid", and "Jim and Rosie Sathe".
Saturday, February 18, 2012
From the baggage jungle it popped up again today and was brought out to the Hot Springs. Because of the closed-off bridge the delivery took on the character of a secret spy-exchange on an international bridge. The baggage courier on one side and me on the opposite. You know the kind of when the Russians returned one of the U.S.-spies, caught in the act, and the Americans returned a Russian spy.
After 10 hrs of being sound asleep last night I am getting back to my normal state of mind. That is if there is anything which can be called normal for me.
I sure enjoy being back in the bright light of the California sun and pulling on my shorts. I even had my morning coffee at 7am OUTSIDE!
Bea is back in the cooking business. Sounds incredible to me when she says she'd been living on cold food most of the time.
Nothing more to say today, so I better shut up, right?
Thanks for stopping by!
Friday, February 17, 2012
After less than 4hrs. of sleep
Wow! Good to be back in a normal environment. I'm sure gonna have a couple of naps today, but for now my senses are wide awake and the first thing I want to do is say thanks to all of you guys out there for not "forgetting" us and the blog. THANKS also to Bea, who had an almost three week marathon of running the home and getting things done. Every day at 5pm the phone rang in Germany and we had the "Daily Chat" about what's new and what not.
I see you guys could even follow me in my flight tracks yesterday. Let me tell you what happened.
After "loosing" my baggage on the run to Europe, (Ich hab' noch einen Koffer in (Berlin) Chicago..) I was eager not to loose it again. Yeah right!
The trouble began by mis-reading my itinerary. Departure time from Hamburg was NOT 2:38pm but 1:45pm! The lady behind the check-in counter gave me a frustrated look. (now I have the works with you)
Desperately, she tried to find that last flight number from Chicago to San Diego on her screen - but that was not to be. So in all hurry (I had 20 minutes left to departure) she checked the heavy suitcase until Chicago (ORD) only, which was OK with me, as one has to drag that thing around for customs, anyway. But likewise, I also got two boarding cards only - the one to San Diego (SAN) missing.
A bus brought us out to the small Jet from Cimber Sterling Regional Airline. It was XXX..cold when we left the bus to walk up the gangway, but I dared to ask an employee, who I had seen being involved with pushing freight into the jet, whether or not she had seen that suitcase of mine, the one with the read safety strap around. She had seen TWO of those, which made me a Happy Camper.
From Copenhagen I was onboard of SK 943, a big AirBus 340, which was empty enough for me to share 4 seats with that guy from Jamaica.
9hrs later: The AirBus 340 had made a nice soft landing at O'Hare, and I was eager to pick up that piece of baggage for customs and re-check. I was waitin' and waitin' and waitin'....and then the carousel stopped moving. No baggage for me! Good thing my lay-over was three hours so there was plenty time to file the "delayed baggage claim". The agent could inform me that my beloved suitcase was still enjoying the stay at the Hamburg International Airport.
No doubt the result of my late Hamburg check-in.
So now, you know, I'm waiting for a ring from some baggage courier to get out here to the Hot Springs.
Keep it where it belongs!
Wow! Good to be back in a normal environment. I'm sure gonna have a couple of naps today, but for now my senses are wide awake and the first thing I want to do is say thanks to all of you guys out there for not "forgetting" us and the blog. THANKS also to Bea, who had an almost three week marathon of running the home and getting things done. Every day at 5pm the phone rang in Germany and we had the "Daily Chat" about what's new and what not.
I see you guys could even follow me in my flight tracks yesterday. Let me tell you what happened.
After "loosing" my baggage on the run to Europe, (Ich hab' noch einen Koffer in (Berlin) Chicago..) I was eager not to loose it again. Yeah right!
The trouble began by mis-reading my itinerary. Departure time from Hamburg was NOT 2:38pm but 1:45pm! The lady behind the check-in counter gave me a frustrated look. (now I have the works with you)
Desperately, she tried to find that last flight number from Chicago to San Diego on her screen - but that was not to be. So in all hurry (I had 20 minutes left to departure) she checked the heavy suitcase until Chicago (ORD) only, which was OK with me, as one has to drag that thing around for customs, anyway. But likewise, I also got two boarding cards only - the one to San Diego (SAN) missing.
A bus brought us out to the small Jet from Cimber Sterling Regional Airline. It was XXX..cold when we left the bus to walk up the gangway, but I dared to ask an employee, who I had seen being involved with pushing freight into the jet, whether or not she had seen that suitcase of mine, the one with the read safety strap around. She had seen TWO of those, which made me a Happy Camper.
From Copenhagen I was onboard of SK 943, a big AirBus 340, which was empty enough for me to share 4 seats with that guy from Jamaica.
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Scandinavian Airlines: Airbus 340 |
9hrs later: The AirBus 340 had made a nice soft landing at O'Hare, and I was eager to pick up that piece of baggage for customs and re-check. I was waitin' and waitin' and waitin'....and then the carousel stopped moving. No baggage for me! Good thing my lay-over was three hours so there was plenty time to file the "delayed baggage claim". The agent could inform me that my beloved suitcase was still enjoying the stay at the Hamburg International Airport.
No doubt the result of my late Hamburg check-in.
So now, you know, I'm waiting for a ring from some baggage courier to get out here to the Hot Springs.
Keep it where it belongs!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Thanks gals and guys for the pat on the shoulder! I liked that.
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A-pat-on-the-shoulder (web image) |
What am I going to do all day today?
Off course - keeping track of the flight. That is neat. I can see where the flight is at any time. Now the airliner is somewhere over Chicago, IL. Still 20 min before landing......
OK he is back on American soil. After 9 hours 22 minutes.
Status: Arrived at gate 7 minutes ago
Now he has just to get on the flight to San Diego, CA ......
There we go! The plane took off. 3 hours and 53 minutes until arrival in San Diego. I am on may way soon!
And finally he arrived:
End of story.
Oh - I forgot to mention that it did rain the whole night, lots.
The birds were delighted! They used the puddles as bath tubs.
One even put his head under water. I had to laugh because it looked so funny!
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A Chipping Sparrow is ready for it's bath... |
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yesss! |
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...and head under water to clean the ears... |
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..a bath is so refreshing! |
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A White-Crowned Sparrow... |
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..litteraly stood on it's head in the puddle... |
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...and the tail has to be washed too! |
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Now drying itself in the Salt Cedar Needles |
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
It is time for Peter to come back home, I am getting too independent! ;))
I got a little help from friends and neighbours, but I am getting better and better in doing things on my own.
Yesterday I joined our friends to go for supper at the Golden Coral in El Centro and we had a real good time. Some of them will not be coming back to California any more, so it was kind of a last time get-together.
Today I went and high-pressure washed the car and got an oil- and filter change done on the Jeep.
Fixed the second TV. We could only get one English speaking channel, now I get the same (4) English channels as on the front TV set.
If I develop this further I might be able to drive the coach all the way home! ;))
Well, today was the time to restock the fridge with meat again, (I didn't eat meat for nearly 3 weeks), and to do some cleaning and de-cluttering inside.
Molly didn't seem to bother at all.
Then I saw a road runner around the bus, but he was moving too fast for me. The photos did not turn out sharp enough.
There is rain in the forecast for tonight and snow in the San Diego Mountains. Don't need that right now.
I hope the system will be on its way out by tomorrow night.
The next posting here will be done by Peter again.
So long! Thanks for keeping up with me.
I got a little help from friends and neighbours, but I am getting better and better in doing things on my own.
Yesterday I joined our friends to go for supper at the Golden Coral in El Centro and we had a real good time. Some of them will not be coming back to California any more, so it was kind of a last time get-together.
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Having a good time with friends |
Fixed the second TV. We could only get one English speaking channel, now I get the same (4) English channels as on the front TV set.
If I develop this further I might be able to drive the coach all the way home! ;))
Well, today was the time to restock the fridge with meat again, (I didn't eat meat for nearly 3 weeks), and to do some cleaning and de-cluttering inside.
Molly didn't seem to bother at all.
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Molly in relaxation mood |
There is rain in the forecast for tonight and snow in the San Diego Mountains. Don't need that right now.
I hope the system will be on its way out by tomorrow night.
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A front is moving in |
The next posting here will be done by Peter again.
So long! Thanks for keeping up with me.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
A Valentine's Day Party!
That is a very good reason to have a party!
Last night there were gusts up to 40 m/h (64 km/h) and I was afraid that this would truncate the party. The morning the wind still was on the breezy side, and a cloud cover was moving in around noon. But nothing could stop us from having fun!
My contribution was a cake I read about in a novel of Jan Karon. (Quote from the book named: A Light in the Window "Esther Bolick's legendary cake..." " Her splendid orange marmalade cake was famed among all the local churches.")
The descriptions sounded so tempting, that I had to look it up on the internet.
Esther's Orange-Marmalade Layer Cake (for the recipe)
I had to make some minor adjustments but it turned out very well. Of course way too rich!
I hope you liked it too!
And two more days to go....
That is a very good reason to have a party!
Last night there were gusts up to 40 m/h (64 km/h) and I was afraid that this would truncate the party. The morning the wind still was on the breezy side, and a cloud cover was moving in around noon. But nothing could stop us from having fun!
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Many turned out to party. |
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Lots and lots of sweet stuff |
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Good music! |
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Lots of Fun! (There were more dancing once I stopped taking photos :)) |
The descriptions sounded so tempting, that I had to look it up on the internet.
Esther's Orange-Marmalade Layer Cake (for the recipe)
I had to make some minor adjustments but it turned out very well. Of course way too rich!
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My version of Esther's Orange-Marmalade Layer Cake |
I hope you liked it too!
And two more days to go....
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