Thursday, August 23, 2012

600 Cookies and a few Cakes

Did you ever bake 600 cookies? Like just in a few days?

Bea did.

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She baked cookies like there would be no tomorrow. It’s gonna feed a 100 or so people tonight. Tonight Campobello Sightseeing is the sponsor of a Summerkeys Concert at the Christian Congregational Church in Lubec, ME.

Of course, this guy hopes that there will be a few (cookies) left for hungry hubby.

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Are concert visitors hungry? They always are in Lubec. During intermission stuff disappears from the table, like the morning dew under the rising sun.

Some of the cookies Bea made she has never made before. Daring!

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But surprisingly they all turned out nice and yummy.  Neighbours are helping too. What about real yummy Brushetta? It’s gonna be there or LInda’s apple cake? Yummy, Yummy!

While Bea made cookies I made posters. My printer used up 2 color cartridges to the tune of 35 bucks each.

   DSC_0400-mi    The girls preparing the long table

And hipp hipp hurray - there are lots of cookies left. Guess we’ll gonna have a blast over the next month or so.


Now, don’t approach the cookie jars!



  1. So does that mean that Bea is going to make us all cookies for our get together this year in the desert?

    1. Sure, Sandie.
      I am just a little bit concerned about the diabetics among us.

  2. nice job baking all those cookies..glad to hear there is a few left for you, Peter!

  3. I sure hope you realise just how lucky you are. Just wanted to say it.


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