Thursday, July 26, 2012

Occupied or pre-occupied?

Or is it just the fact that I’m having a road block against finding something sensible to write?  It has rarely happened to me. So what is going on? Is it the fact that my thoughts are where our young business is? Am I occupied or simply pre-occupied?
I am confused as to what is what. But I guess I’m pre-occupied. That blocks out any other thoughts.
Tourism is not what it used to be like ten years ago. Had a  little chat with a long-time employee of the park the other day. He told me that tourists came over the border all the time in huge numbers – before the U.S. demanded that all travelers should have passports. Thousands of Americans and Canadians had no passport before. Why should they? Unless they went overseas or to some exotic banana republic, a passport wasn’t needed.

Besides of generating truckloads of money in passport fees for the federal government, it has hurt the tourism industry – at least here on Campobello Island, where we never get many Canadians to see the island.

And as if that wasn’t enough, Wallstreet started a recession which let the worlds economies tumble way down into the darkest basements of despair.

Do we have more troubles coming?  Look around. When was it you saw rain falling last time?


We are having a draught. The German magazine “Der Spiegel” (the mirror) has thrown out a story with pictures of American bone-dry fields, starving corncobs and wilting wheat fields. Even the dumbest guy can read the writing on the wall. It says HIGH PRICES FOR FOOD!

Dürre in West Lafayette, Indiana: Die USA erleben eine Rekordhitze.
Even out here along the coastal hills, where rain showers often are plentiful, it has been dry.
Combine that with the high gas prices (they are climbing again) and you have the perfect mix for an extended recession. Wow,- something to look forward to.
Maispflanzen in Henderson, Kentucky: Bereits 88 Prozent der Maisernte sind...
What are people doing when the cashbox is empty? They complain to the government.  HELP! I’M STARVING!

Whether there is a Mr. Obama or a Mr. Romney, it doesn’t matter, neither can fix the gas prices and neither can fix more rain coming. So everybody can just quit complaining to them. If you feel you need to let it out, take a tour out, find a lonely field or a deep forest which hasn’t yet been destroyed by a fire, and scream.
Psychologists always say it helps. And there isn’t really much else you can do, except trying to not go to Mr. Fastfood to eat another unhealthy burger.

By the way – burgers are going up in price as well.

Have a great day!

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