Sunday, November 12, 2023

We Finally Made It To Desert Camping


Finally Desert Camping

Where should I begin? Last night was the worst we have spent during this trip. The massive influx of truckers on a very small Walmart lot was indescribable. Besides of a steady coming and going there were those who thought they own the place. Their parking was nilly-willy without any system and responsibility of keeping access open.
After going to bed some guy had parked his rig most bumper to bumper to the rear of our trailer making this hell of a noise with his engine. Leaving even his lights on to shine right into our trailer. Oh well, we are living through an era of unprecedented egoism and thoughtless behavior.
So, after a short and loud night we left this Walmart with the resolve of never to return. By the way, Deming seems to have a massive problem with crime as an armada of police vehicles raced through town hunting...what?

But the new day ran up bright and clear and after filling the tank with premium-priced regular fuel, we were heading west again - to Arizona.
The beauty of the desert

Naturally we were now looking forward to meeting our friends. From the I-10 at Tucson, we turned to the I-19 which runs all the way to Nogales Mexico. But after only a few kms we turned again, west again onto Rte 86 Ajo Way.
This is an old road connecting Tucson with the town of Ajo and the village Why. WHY is always leading to word plays, because of why would anybody go to WHY? 
But we had a great destination. A few kms south of WHY is a BLM area where one can stay for free over 14 days. No services there, but a beautiful area to camp between Cacti and desert vegetation, which, by the way, is still very green.
At Texas Canyon along I-10 only a few miles from Benson,AZ

It's over 100 miles along Ajo Rd, so at one point we decided to take a lunch stop right next to Kitts Peak Observatory.
Armed with a sandwich and a glass of milk, I was just stepping out of the trailer to walk to the park benches, when I saw a white RAM Van turning around 100yrds down the road.
Yes, it was them
On Ajo Road

It was giving a light signal and I recognized our friends whom we were to meet later at the BLM camp. I was just flustered and called out to Bea. Yes, it was them and they had seen the ISLAND TOURS parked when they they spontaneously turned around to greet us. What a great meet-up that was. There was so much to talk about, but eventually, it was decided to continue the conversation at camp.

Kitts Peak
 Arriving at camp, I first noticed how warm it was. First order of things was to find my shorts and get into a short-sleeved shirt. After getting the rig set up and the awning rolled out, we gathered for coffee in the shade. 
Man, life was good. Forgotten was all the road stress and excitement, it just all became banter and talk. Dixie was probably just as happy as ourselves, as she must have recognized the desert environment. Over the 4-5 days we had been worried about her mental wellbeing. It can't be much fun for a dog to be run down the bumpy highways for many hours every day. There was no doubt that she had been stressed out in the evenings. But here, in the desert, relaxing, she became her old self again.
Cacti forest

Dixie needs a walk

Evening glow


  1. Congratulations! And to meet up with friends! How wonderful! :-)

  2. I don't know WHY, but I"m glad you"ve reached your destination...enjoy


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