Sunday, November 12, 2023

We Came Up From El Paso

Waking up today it was the same type of weather we had experienced just a year ago in the Rio Grands Valley. Weather forecast spoke of "Cloudy" and it said the same thing then, but when there is water coming out of the sky, for me it means RAIN. So leaving Love's Campground in the rain at around 7am we had some drab hours of driving. We had to get west of Pecos before the weather got better.

Where the I-20 ends and meets the I-10

Whenever I am near Pecos I have to think of Judge Roy Bean, who said of himself to be "The Law west of the Pecos". But we weren't heading that way. Rather we were bound for El Paso. The name of various Western Movies and adventures. And today the Adventure Rig was coming down from the Davis Mountains to run through this, at times, quite wild border town, where Ciudad Juarez is its even wilder brother.

El Paso has grown a lot over the past 10-15 years, but it seems to grow into one direction only - the south. To the west the city is facing the Mexican border, to the east it's mountains and to the north is the state of New Mexico. That leaves the south for developments.

Every time I pass through the city I marvel about the artfully decorated bridges. The bearing columns as well as the bridge girders are just beautiful. And the colours of the concrete emphasizes the architectural design.

Beautiful weather towards end of day

Finally New Mexico
Our travel route today:

But like before, we were just passing through on our way farther west. So some miles north of El Paso Interstate 10 continues up to a plateau from where it runs due west via Deming,NM and Phoenix,AZ all the way to Los Angeles.

We called a day at Deming and Bea guided the rig to the local Walmart.

It was there that we were shocked to discover that truckers had hijacked most of the available parking spot. Yes, there were a few campers as well, but trucks literally clogged the whole area.

At first we parked almost diagonally over 2 rows right behind one of the entry ways. But after 30 minutes an opening appeared when one truck had left. We quickly moved up into his space and have found a somewhat OK spot. But let me be clear, Walmart parking at Deming will not be one of our future choices.

Tomorrow we will be driving over to Why,AZ to meet our friends. We will take a few days break in our travels before we do the last hours to Holtville.


  1. Wow! You are almost at your destination! :-)
    Thanks for the great pics.

  2. I left breadcrumbs just a few days ago as we travelled that exact route. I too marvel at the little touch’s the city adds to its roadways. We pushed past Deming to the Gage Rest Area, it’s truly not very far, less about a half hour I think. It is a little chilly sometimes but a much nicer stop. If you drive in the car parking lane there is a road on the right that lets you drive to the little picnic shelters in the back. It is a road side stop with all of the usual noises plus a near by train but it’s a little piece of home dirt for the night that the semis can’t reach. Safe travels



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