Tuesday, July 15, 2014

It’s Red-Hot In Alberta

With temperatures soaring higher than in many, more southern, U.S.-locations, it is so hot that even the mosquitoes have quit attacking me. But there is a relief coming for Thursday, when temps are supposed to dropped into the mid-seventies again. And it’s not just bare enjoyment in Western Canada as firefighters are battling more than 200 wild fires spread across Alberta, British Columbia and the Northern Territories.  Most of these fires have been sparked by lightning strikes. Central parts of B.C. have indeed experienced temperatures above the 100F degree mark.

Alberta has been shaken by the latest terrible crime committed in Calgary, where a young boy and his grandparents have been missing for 2 weeks. And the last message from the police is as devastating as it possibly can get. Murder charges have now been laid, even though no bodies have been found yet.

My training has progressed nicely, and I am now looking at a few days off until the company finds out where to put me at work.

And what’s going on in Germany? Well, I’ve never been a great soccer fan, but when your country of birth is winning the World Cup and the crew is having the most triumphed home-coming ever, one can’t just ignore the party.
Nach der Landung auf dem Flughafen Berlin-Tegel sind die deutschen Nationalspieler in einen schwarzen Truck umgestiegen und haben sich auf den Weg Richtung Fanmeile gemacht.
Germany Lufthansa had even repainted their plane transporting the crew back home and named it FANHANSA.
Illustration einer Boeing 747-8 mit Fanhansa-Schriftzug.
Die deutsche Nationalmannschaft hat auf der Fanmeile in Berlin mit hunderttausenden Fans gefeiert.<br />

1 comment:

  1. Those high temperatures are bad for the forest fires, let's hope they stay away from you.
    Bet you are looking forward to getting back to work.


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