Monday, September 5, 2011

September 05

Labour Day over...
The weather men had predicted rain several times, at least for Lubec,ME (5km) which is the nearest weather location for us.
However, the Wilson Beach (10km) Canadian weather forecast did not mention any rain at all, and matter of fact, the most we got was sunshine, while the mainland New Brunswick and Maine, U.S. was drenched in Thunderstorms this afternoon. With Labour Day over, most of the tourists are gone as well. But we still expect some beautiful weeks of fall with days of warming sun, even though the heat of the summer is gone.

It is a remarkable fact that most times the bad weather is either following the mainland or going out to sea hitting Nova Scotia or the Island of Grand Manan. Campobello Island seems to be located in a sort of weather-vacuum. 

When I got in at late afternoon I saw the bowl of apples, we had picked, was still sitting on the counter. So I decided it was juice time. Got the electric juicer out and cut up apples. It is a good idea to peel them first as the peel is easily and very fast clogging up the flow of juice.

Ready to juice the apples

The first juice running into a glass

Depending what kind of apples are juiced the
color of the juice can get pretty dark
I ran ten apples through the juicer and got almost half a gallon of nice dark apple juice. Now, of course, I filled a glass and emptied it. As I tried to fill another glass Bea looked at me and said it was not healthy to drink that much apple juice. Is THAT true?? I kinda think that apples right of our own trees can't be that unhealthy? 

When the apple bowl was almost empty I ran out with a plastic bag to get new apples. This year we seem to have an endless supply of apples. So I am sure looking forward to many more glasses of freshly made apple juice.


  1. Okay I just had to google drinking too much apple juice and the only thing I found was that you don't get any fiber that way and that it can send you to the bathroom frequently. It's certainly better than soda for you. So enjoy.

  2. there can't be anything unhealthy about freshly squeezed apple juice :)....indulge...we didn't get any rain here in the Moncton area of NB on the weekend..sunny skies and puffy clouds were the order of the day...chilly and dull this morning..chilly I can live with for long as we don't get the rain..but alas the weather man states there is some coming today..


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