Monday, March 24, 2025

Our Incredible Indiana Experience

Today we intended to drive a longer distance. So starting early, we drove from our Walmart camp at Vandalia to Mansfield Ohio which amounted to 417miles.

A big part of it led us through Indiana and you must bear with me here, I just have to let it out.

Illinois I-70 is a nice part of mostly smooth I-70. That stops the second one crosses the State line into Indiana when the drama starts. 

Potholes after potholes, broken pavement everywhere, huge holes 6-8inches deep - all this causing a constant banging and rattling. And the millions of pavement patches are done totally uneven, so we got jolted around in our seats and Dixie was getting close to a panic attack. Does this State EVER use any funds on road repair? How can a State let a major through highway get into such a bad condition? Are federal highway funds ending in corrupt pockets of Indiana politicians?

We even tried a parallel side road instead of the Interstate, but that road was no better either.

The only area with a smooth pavement was right around Indianapolis, but as soon as we went farther east the pain started again. I pledge that I will NEVER drive through that State again. It is just too exhausting. And I fear for the consequences of our vehicle.

As soon as we crossed into Ohio, the Indiana nightmare stopped. Now, there was a shorter stretch of the I-70 in similar conditions as in Indiana, but it didn't last long. The rest of the highway was fine until we reached the I-270 which runs around Columbus and connects to I-71 north.

After 10 hours on the road, partly with a strong crosswind on the I-270 and I-71, I was happy to pull into the Mansfield Walmart where we are parked in a very quiet spot for the night.

Our remaining home run is 1050miles, which we will need almost 3 more days for, provided we are not getting stopped by inclement weather.

And I might add. it is snowing at home - a lot. 

Poor pavement patches and (below)
broken asphalt

State Line Indianapolis - Ohio: Patchwork ending with Ohio Highway

Big city traffic north of Columbus


  1. The joys of a non-functional government.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Drive safe , don’t rush you have roof over your head anyway!


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