Sunday, March 16, 2025

Last Night

 We are having our last night in California. And the last day began busy. After our daily morning walk with Ms.Dixie, I headed on top of the roof to secure our solar panels. I added an extra bolt to each panel until there was no up-down movement possible. There was already a cold wind blowing and I got quite cold as I was on my knees to deal with the bolts.

Before I was finished, the first friend came by to say Good Bye. How nice, people here are really friendly!

But there was so much more to do. We readied the coach for going to El Centro for propane and dumping. It's not a long drive to the Desert Trails RV Park, and they have the cheapest propane in the area. On the way back we stopped in Holtville for a 5gal. drinking water from the fountain. I checked at the mail office for mail, but there was nothing.

This wild looking desert plant is the DESERT BROOM

Back in the camp we backed up to the trailer and hitched on.

Lots of stuff to stow away! Unbelievable how much of that we have been dragging around!

The afternoon got a bit quieter, more friends came by, sitting around and chatting. Our neighbours had gone to the airshow in El Centro and got back around 4pm. We sat together with them until after 6pm.

Tomorrow we will be heading over to Quartzsite.

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