Christmas may be over for this year, but it will never be over in my memory. I remember many Christmas celebrations of my youth but the years we lived on our mountain property in Norway are holding a special place. Our house was built around 1860 and the walls were made of solid logs. Our living room boasted the original logs in their aged beauty. On the evening of December 23rd I brought in our 7ft. Christmas tree of a Norwegian Spruce. We had real candles on it and weren’t even afraid of a fire. Other Christmas decorations were of real thin glass and some were quite old. On the morning of Christmas Eve neighbours used to come by for a chat. We had always coffee going in the house. At around 4pm we’d be heading down to the main village for church. The church was beautifully decorated and the old wooden pews did not offer enough seating for everyone. So usually extra chairs were put up for the service. A choir were singing the old Christmas songs. My favorite was “Deilig er jorden” which actually is known as a psalm in North America. After the service we drove home into our own little village where we now had our delicious Christmas supper. The house was full of wonderful smells, some from the kitchen and others from our spruce tree and the candles. After supper we would light the candles on the tree and turn off all electric lights. Our tree was the most beautiful in the world. Looking out of the window we could see the outlines of the mountains shimmering in the dark with their silvery reflections off snow-covered peaks. Not a sound would be disturbing the peace. The night would be clear with millions of glittering stars, and if we were real lucky we would have a show of the Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights. We had no TV and never missed it either. Before we would go to bed, we liked to take a walk through the village. It was the most peaceful view I ever saw….light was shining out of every window casting reflections in the snow. It was a walk through the real Winter-Wonder-Land. Have a Happy New Year! |
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
I Remember Our Old-Fashioned Christmas
Monday, December 29, 2014
It’s About 5 Years Ago That It Happened
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Penguins In The Evening
We are not people who go out very often. It’s usually best to stay home for us and, frankly, going somewhere around these parts means having to beat traffic, which really puts me off. However, yesterday evening was the exception. Over the last 2 years we have been dragging around with 2 movie tickets we once received from our Credit Card Company. No they were not free as Credit Card Companies never give you ANYTHING for free. We had paid for it by redeeming “rewards”. Whatever! Over those 2 years these tickets “disappeared” half a dozen times but were always recovered in a mystical way. Now, Edmonton has several CINEPLEX theatres which is the only place the tickets are worth something. Since we neither partake in the Christmas shopping hysteria, we decided that now was the time to make some use of them tickets. Bea made the decision that we should see PENGUINS IN MADAGASCAR. Sure enough a title which promises SOME entertainment and causes my level of curiosity to spike. The theatre is located some 8kms away and is part of the famous West Edmonton Mall. That meant that we had to get there early, as parking would be an issue. And it was! The place was packed with crazy looking Christmas shoppers. Pandemonium everywhere! Making headway through the crowds was an adventure in itself. Finally we located the Cineplex at the very end of a long wing and wayyy up a long staircase. Since the Penguins were in 3D (Oh my..) we had to pay 3 Bucks extra pp. That was OK with me, but then we had an entire hour extra to kill. What to do? My feet were hurting already and my desire to sit down somewhere led us to an ice cream parlour. Not really a parlour but rather an ice cream stand. Not too bad I say. We had ourselves a Sundae each for the sweet price of $6.45 plus tax EACH. But it was good – at least. After devouring such delicacies we made our way back up the staircase to the Penguins. We were still 25 minutes early for the performance, so we kind of had the choice of seating ourselves where ever we desired. Once the giant screen came to life it was not to start the Penguins but to flood us with all kind of TV commercials which lasted --- well about 40 minutes. I started to get annoyed. But then FINALLY we saw the “DREAMWORKS” logo pop up and a wide white landscape animation opened up. And here they came…..Penguins by the hundreds. ![]() But the show is really only about 3 of them plus a rolling egg, from where yet another one (Penguin) emerges. That is after the egg has bounced down to a rusty old ship wreck. Now I don’t want to spoil the fun for you (in case you want to see the movie yourself) but I just mention that a ferocious battle starts between a wild horde of octopus creations and our 4 Penguin heroes. However, it wouldn’t be a good movie without a Happy End. The movie boasted many comical animations causing a lot of chuckles in the watching crowd. A well-spent evening we will not forget any time soon. It’s Christmas Eve and with that many memories are circling around in my head. This Christmas Eve is different from any earlier Christmas Eves we ever had. We are both working but we will have time off between Christmas and New Years. We wish all of our readers where ever they are in the world a Merry Christmas and may all your wishes come true. |
Monday, December 22, 2014
Dec. 21 = Start Of Winter. Really?
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Canada’s Worst Driver
It was really hard to stay calm under watching THIS video: |
Friday, December 12, 2014
Molly Doesn’t Like The TV
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Randi’s Drawings
If you’d like to have one or several of Randi’s Drawings as a print, please contact her through her Facebook page. |
Monday, December 8, 2014
Is America In Need Of A Monarchy And A Historical Parallel
Sunday, December 7, 2014
An Interesting Thought
Some folks might have been a tad surprised by reading the headline of my last posting. Rest assured, we are not gonna go ahead with this truly crazy idea. But for the fun of it I went and checked monthly mortgage payments IF someone would be eligible for a 25Mill mortgage. At a 4% interest and over a 30 years amortization period the monthly payments would be a staggering USD118,000. Even working 24/7 with an hourly wage of $163.88 (daily $3,933.33) wouldn't leave us 1 cent for paying any bills or the daily food. And that tells me that people who actually can afford such luxuries are earning an indecent income if compared to the 99% of the rest of the population. ![]() And it’s not of any real concern for me as I don’t care for that 1% of the population who actually make that kind of money. Anyway, it’s Sunday and we are having the 2. of Advent. The Alberta weather is showing its sunny side. Temperatures just barely under the freezing mark let us take Molly on a nice walk. And it’s even getting warmer for the coming week. Let’s get the shorts out and re-open the swimming pool! Thanks for dropping by! |
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Should We Move To Palm Springs?
Bea and I are seriously wondering whether to move to Palm Springs, CA. Reason for that is the latest development re. the sale of Bob Hope’s estate in Palm Springs. The seller has slashed the price in half. It went from 50Mill Bucks to the half. WHAT A DEAL! I will make contact with the real estate firm next week. Maybe, just maybe we get it another million of two down in price. Oh…and then I have to negotiate with my bank for a mortgage. I wonder what my equity value is gonna be. I was always wondering how it would be living in a flying saucer. Bob Hope’s house would be the closest we will come to experience the feel. And think about it, we would always be in the sun. No more snowbirding to get away from the nasty Canadian Winter. No more driving 3000+ miles to get to Holtville. Yeah, we would save big time on fuel. That might even be enough to pay an entire hundredth percent of the mortgage. I’D LOVE THAT. And then there is many bedrooms in the house. We will invite all our friends to stay with us. Here’s the news which brought up the idea. Bob Hope's Palm Springs estateThis radical design, done for Bob Hope and his wife, is perhaps the most iconic desert residence in Southern California, though not without controversy. It's now half of its original $50 million asking price.![]() I wonder though whether there is a parking space for our RV. Or….may be we just sell it eh? ![]() Instead of a camp fire we will host star-gazing evenings. Look at the skyward view! Wouldn’t that be nice? EH? |
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Ordered 4 New “Shoes” for The Campobello Van And Bea has come To A Seniors Center.
It didn’t take us long to figure out that our “Campobello Van” needed better tires, if we wanted to drive it over the winter. New shoes for the 1t.-van are not coming cheap. No Sir….I got a couple of quotes, some of them being “off the wall” and others just not being the right type of tread on them. At the end of the day I went with the offer from that tiny tire shop which had helped me with a tire repair a few weeks ago. Their price was acceptable and I got to choose what kind of tire I really wanted. When buying tires for winter use it is important that the tread allows for trapped snow to escape to the sides, thus keeping the right grip on the surface. Here you can see the one I chose. It’s a SIGMA all-weather tire. It has lots of room for snow and the tread is open to the sides.![]() If you wonder about the second part of today’s headline it’s not that Bea has moved to a Seniors Residence. (She isn’t that old yet…:-) But she landed a job in a seniors residence and is currently enjoying her first day at work. Winter is currently “on leave” as temperatures have gone up, up and up. Needless to say, this is good news as we use much less propane and even can enjoy a few daily walks with Ms.Molly. Sun is out too and this afternoon it was downright nice outside. Gas prices are still doing their slow descend to rock-bottom and while that is going on, critical voices are increasing in volume warning against the fall-outs of a low oil price. But I’m asking myself how did our society survive previous years when the price at the pump was that low? Now and all-of-a-sudden we’re crying Wolf anticipating a collapse of our economy? Strange world! I guess there is no more stuff to bore you with so I am done. Thanks for coming by! |
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
It’s Warming Up In Alberta And What About The Saturday Bath?
Not that we want to compete with temperatures in the South-West of the U.S. but there IS a significant difference between –30 and –14C. As a first sign of such warming trend we had the pleasure of running water again. Now, it might have helped that I had added a little plumbing anti-freeze into the freshwater tank, but the higher temperature must have been the main reason for getting our pump working again. I was very glad to receive your comments about your very own childhood memories. Especially, I noticed that it seemed to be a common procedure to take a bath only once a week, preferably on Saturdays. Now, I have tried to find the answer to this custom and came up with this: Although the popular image of the people of the Viking Age is one of wild-haired, dirty savages, this is a false perception. In reality, the Vikings took much care with their personal grooming, bathing, and hairstyling. Perhaps the most telling comment comes from the pen of English cleric John of Wallingford, prior of St. Fridswides, who complained bitterly that the Viking Age men of the Danelaw combed their hair, took a bath on Saturday, and changed their woolen garments frequently, and that they performed these un-Christian and heathen acts in an attempt to seduce high-born English women.From: Wow! Under further research I stumbled upon this text which I took from this blog:
As in a lot of things medieval bathing was by some seen as a form of sexual debauchery and by others seen as letting the devil into you. It was also widely believed that being naked and letting the water touch you would make you severely ill.
In some journals you read that children of the wealthy and their parents bathed daily. Some in the summer even bathed twice a day. And from: The early Irish considered baths a major part of hospitality, and to not offer a guest the opportunity to bathe, or at least wash hands and feet, was an insult. Irish baths were filled with cold water and then heated by dropping rocks, heated in a fire, into the water. There are some suggestions that such heated rocks may have been used to heat saunas. |
Monday, December 1, 2014
Childhood Days
I don’t know whether the saying is the same in North America, but back in Norway they could say about an old fart “He’s back in his Childhood Days”. And it doesn’t mean that someone is turning into a child again after turning a high age. It rather means that people who get older are REMEMBERING their childhood days. And I think it has to do with the fact that we are, or already have, lost our parents and we are approaching this ripe stage of age where our thoughts are wandering back over decades. It might start out with that we think of all the mistakes we have made, or all the good decisions we made. As we go further back we will approach our childhood and pictures are appearing we never thought would still be part of our memory. At 62 I have reached that age. And with Christmas coming up there are even more volumes to look at. Way back, in the fifties our kitchen was still heated with a coal stove. It stood right at the entry door. Besides of the stove there was this coal bucket/funnel. Every day one of us went down 2 stair cases to the dark basement to shovel coals into that bucket, then carry it upstairs. ![]() We also had my great-grandma living in our house. Her name was Margarethe. Her husband had founded the business which in her days was run as a saddle maker shop. But times had changed and horses had disappeared from public view. Well, I remember our coals were still arriving by horse-drawn wagon. The coals were stuffed into sacks and the workers carried every sack up our driveway and emptied them over a chute through the basement window. The central heating was still running on coals but was later converted for heating oil, which it is still today. We lived upstairs and had no bathroom there. As small kids we were bathed every Saturday in a galvanized tub in the middle of the kitchen floor. We hated that! No privacy there! But there was no sense in filing any complaint. Every Sunday morning saw us clean as a whistle. So where was the “John”? It was the most hated room in our house. It was unheated and 2 stairs down through a cold stairwell. As can easily be imagined it was especially unpleasant on a cold winter morning. There was no prolonged stays in that location. Yet, in those days it was considered a luxury to have it water operated. Before I was born my grandparents had it all outside across the yard. Yep, tough people in those days. My grand parents were living on the first floor and I loved to go down there and sit with them. Grandpa liked to read a book to grandma and I was listening. When he was finished I pulled out his stamp collections. He had lots of it and got me to start my own collection. I still have his stamps. ![]() That’s how we grew up. We had limits to live after. I still feel those limits when going shopping. |