The Last day of this long journey started at 5:30am with our usual breakfast. An hour later I was accelerating onto the I-95.
Last mile in New Hampshire |
The state line to Maine at Portsmouth and then we had to pass three Maine toll stations, before we took on the northern stretch of the I-95 until Bangor, ME.
Roads for Cash |
It's all yours - in Maine |
From there on it's US Coastal Rte 1 and 1A all the way to the Canadian border.
Weather was gorgeous, blue sky and even deeper blue waters of the many ocean bays one can enjoy from the road. No, the trees are not showing green leaves yet, yet spring was in the air.
In Ellsworth we stopped at the Walmart for some last-minute supplies and had a brief lunch before heading on farther north towards the home island.
Salty air gets into the vehicle |
The small town of Machias, ME |
Once we crossed through the streets of small town Lubec, there was no more doubt - we were home.
The FDR Memorial Bridge to Campobello |
The International bridge, named after Franklin D. Roosevelt, spanning across "The Narrows", was still looking the same. I wondered whether the guard rails would be painted again this summer. The salty air had made them rusty again.
Mulhollan Lighthouse, Campobello Island |
The very last 3 miles to our driveway always feel like a relief, or victory over the challenge a long journey like this really is.
Canada Customs building on the Canadian side |
Naturally, once we backed the rig onto our property, a lot of work started. 1.priority is flipping on the power. 2. is getting the water going. This time we had a little hickup with the water, but it got solved. Even though power and water is on, we still spend the first night at home in the RV.
Got it backed up again |
It gives a softer transition and we have more time to warm up the house tomorrow morning. It's all based on years of routine and experience.
Our wonderful neighbour Deanna (85) had invited us for seafood chowder and I swear to all ghosts of lucullus that her cooking skills are the best I have ever tasted.
After a sumptious meal we went home, cozying up in our warm rig.