Friday, November 29, 2024

Cloudy Day Makes For A Good Work Day

 We could have named it "GREY FRIDAY" as the clouds didn't let sunshine though, so our 3 connected Solar panels couldn't deliver much power. But the weather enticed me for another work day on the roof.

But first I had to drive to Holtville and the ACE-store. I had been running out of washers and the screws for the strut channel were just a tad too long, so I had to get 3/4" screws to continue the mounting work. The first three panels got mounted until noon. After lunch I brought the remaining 4 strut channels onto the roof, and Bea helped reaching them up to me!

Left: The line

Both strut channels glued on

The attached photos are showing the steps to install strut channels. First, a line along the edge of the roof, then the Eterna Bond and as the last step the strut channel. It is important to put pressure on the channel to make sure it really connects to the Eterna Bond.

I did all 4 channels today and I am ready to mounting 6 more solar panels.

The latest 3 panels - not yet connected and flat on the roof.

Tomorrow, I will mount the last 6 panels to the strut channels.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are taking your time to do the install properly, avoiding any mistakes that could cause damage. Nice that Bea was able to help out.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.


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